Time: June 21, 2009 from 6am to 9am
Location: Jordan Trailhead Parking Lot: From the junction of Routes 89A and 179, take 89A north .3 miles to Jordan Road on the left. Follow Jordan Road into the Jordan Park S ubdivision and turn left onto Park Ridge Drive at the "T". Contin
City/Town: Sedona, Az
Event Type: shamanic, community, gathering
Organized By: Jade Wah'oo Grigori
Latest Activity: Jun 19, 2009
Summer Solstice is the point of time in the year when the Sun's presence is at its peak. The potentizing force of the masculine principle is at this moment in its fullest dedication to the Earth Mother.
We will gather. We will drum and rattle and sing the Shamanic Song of Appreciation. We will receive the first rays of the Solstice Sun into a bottle of spring water as a blessing for ourselves and our families, to empower our deepest heart's desire for the forthcoming season and year.
Following the Morning Water Blessing we will rejoin at the home of Jade Wah'oo (590 Grove Dr, Uptown Sedona) for a pot-luck breakfast.
* An empty clear bottle. Oak Creek Canyon spring water will be provided for the Morning Water Blessing.
* Drums, rattles and a voice to sing!
* Home prepared dish for the pot-luck breakfast
* A heart-felt willingness to participate in the honoring of this S acred Dance of Sun/Earth/Ourselves
This Ceremony is my Give-Away to the Community. No fee is involved.
If you would choose to support me in carrying these sacred works forth into the world, your contributions would be greatly appreciated. A contribution basket will be available.
If you are unable to attend in person, I invite you to stand outside with the rising of the Sun, wherever you are, and hold Appreciation in your heart.
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