Time: October 20, 2013 from 3pm to 6:30pm
Location: "The Tree House"
Street: 325 Carol Canyon Dr
City/Town: Sedona AZ
Website or Map: http://mapq.st/1eS8MZR
Phone: RSVP sedonaconnections@gmail.com
Event Type: water, ceremony, healing, for, mother, earth, &, turtle, island
Organized By: Robert Dakota ~ Eva Maurice & Three Trees ~ Issa
Latest Activity: Oct 19, 2013
Sweet Brothers and Sisters,
Locally and Internationally please join us on Sun Oct 20th to welcome are very honored special guest; Makere who is a Waitaha Grandmother from Aoteroa, New Zealand. If you can’t be with us here in Sedona the join in wherever you are NOW.
Grandmother Makere is coming to share the Songs, Teachings and Ceremony of Waitaha - "Water Carrier" This earlier indigenous tribe was a Matriarchal Society of New Zealand. www.songofwaitaha.co.nz Markere will join us here in Sedona at the TreeHouse supported by
Eva Maurice and Three Trees.
Sponsored by World Viewz Media Robert Dakota
This is an invitation to an outdoor evening potluck feast and water ceremony; “Healing the Feminine” within all. Monthly Talking Circles at the TreeHouse will come together to welcome Makere and this event is open to the public. Three Trees will create magic through a sound healing group session to complimenting the ceremony. There will be an outdoor fire, sacred water ceremony
on a first come seating basis.
Space is limited, please RSVP sedonaconnections@gmail.com
Issa will be assisting Makere during her stay as well as assisting with the event. Makere our Waitaha Grandmother will speak about the "Song Of Waitaha" and have her books available for signing. Books will be available for purchase including the companion books of Song, known as “Whispers of Waitaha the Grandmothers stories.”
Please bring:
$10.00 "Koha" means = Donation for the evening, a vegetarian dish to share at the feast, a mat/blanket /cushion / or outdoor fold up chair, wear layers & bring whatever you would like to represent you on the altar ie, crystals...
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