World Viewz

DAY 10 OC 10

Take Time to Nurture Your Self

Welcome to this day. I am Oc 10 and am here to offer my services to assist you as you walk your path of destiny. Today we would like to share ways you can improve your ability to manifest your desires. It is our hope that you choose to use this knowledge for your highest good and the highest good of all involved. It is our desire to see you develop yourself to the point where you unconditionally love yourselves and all creatures, great and small.

Today we will look at the aspect of nurturance. When we speak this word, most of you think of a mother caring for her child, or perhaps have thoughts of a gardener tending his plants. However, what is often overlooked is self-nurturance. Do you daily take quiet time to simply be? When is the last time you enjoyed a massage, a manicure or a day at the spa? If you have a partner, when was the last time you received special attention, such as having your hair brushed or head petted? Have you taken time to soak your body in warm water? Do you often stop and enjoy the beauty in nature? Have you taken time to read books or magazines that you find interesting? How often do you call someone to get their opinion on how you can improve yourself?

Many of you were raised to be slaves or servants to others; being taught that taking care of your needs first is an act of selfishness. For those of you who chose this as one of your basic belief codes, you eventually found yourself literally working your self to death to please your family, friends and co-workers as well as people you encounter during your daily routines.

It is no wonder most of you don’t have time to nurture yourselves. After so much time and energy is spent taking care of everyone else, there is nothing left for you. Even those of you who do have the time, energy and financial resources to pamper yourselves choose not to do so because of guilt, shame and unworthiness.

We are here today to encourage you to take the time necessary to go within and to look at the various ways you put others’ needs before your own. Is it a sense of guilt; do you find yourself unworthy? Are you trying to impress others with your acts of service? Do you feel you will be rewarded in some way if you do things for others? Be honest with yourself and without judgment, look at what you do with your time and energy.

Take time each morning, before you get out of bed and ask your body, “What do I need today to be full of energy and joy?” Once you learn to listen, you will find that your body will tell you exactly what it needs. Pay attention to your aches and pains; your body was designed with alarm systems to tell you when it needs food, water, and rest.

Do you feel hot or cold? Wear the appropriate clothing, even if it is not fashionable. It takes a tremendous amount of energy to regulate body temperature. Are you overworking your muscles? Do less toil and take time to nurture your muscles with a massage or warm bath. Have you considered petting yourself and thanking your body? There are myriads of you who think it taboo to touch yourself in loving ways. Hundreds of you cannot even look at your body in a mirror when you are unclothed. How can you ever expect to love another when you are unable to be appreciative of your own physical vessel?

We encourage you to develop a close, personal relationship with your body. Begin by gazing into your eyes while looking at your reflection in a mirror and telling yourself that you love you, that you are a wonderful person and that you are beautiful. Pay attention to your body each moment as you prepare to eat; ask your body what it needs. Listen to its responses. When you feel bloated, gassy, weak or tired, note what foods you have recently eaten and change your diet accordingly.

Take time to read labels on foods. Do the research necessary to educate yourself. With the age of industrialization came food additives. These are not natural and are extremely toxic to your bodies. Many companies use additives such as corn syrup to get you addicted to their products. Many additives such as aspartame are so foreign to the body that it doesn’t know what to do with it, so it stores it in its tissues to address later. This is one reason why people who consume an exorbitant amount of “diet foods’ actually gain weight!

Take time to research the effects of amalgams used to repair dental cavities. Take time to review the effects of toxic substances such as anesthesia and pharmaceuticals. There is an abundance of information available on how to prevent surgeries and cure cancers through diet and the use of herbs.

It is time to wake up and realize that medical practitioners are not “gods;” they do not have all the answers. You may have heard joking remarks about doctors “practicing” medicine. Well, indeed, this is what they do. Have you ever wondered why they order so many tests? Making a diagnosis is a guessing game. Through testing, they “rule out” possible diagnoses and treat the patient for what appears to be a specific problem.

The main problem with this method of diagnosis is that each person’s body is unique. A myriad of problems have created this state of imbalance in the body. What is not taken into account is the patient’s thought forms that allowed the dis-ease to manifest in the first place. We could continue with this dialogue, but will stop at this point so that we can continue with today’s topic of nurturance. We will be addressing health issues and the formation of physical, mental and emotional dis-ease at other times throughout the year.

Our point today is to take time to nurture your self. When you nurture yourself, you will feel more healthy and vibrant. From this physical state, you will have much more energy to be mentally healthy and feel balanced and in joy. This state of balance overflows into your emotional health, leaving you with the time, energy and desire to nurture your spiritual essence, as well.

Not until all four aspects of your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual self are intact, can you truly nourish and nurture others. It is then that you can be of service to others in a more beneficial way. You will more likely be effective and nourish their needs, rather than coming from a place of co-dependence, guilt and shame.

Heaven on earth can be obtained when each of you treats yourself and others in a balanced way, coming from heart connections that nurture all. If you are an unhealthy or imbalanced person, this is what you will project. Your negative thought forms will continue to glop together causing dis-harmony in your life and throughout the universe. We cannot emphasize enough the importance of monitoring your thoughts, words and actions. It takes a tremendous amount of energy to “de-glop” these energies, so why create them in the first place?

We have given you enough “fat to chew on” for now. Please take time to review these words and to incorporate what feels right into your every day life. We bless you and commend you for your growth in this lifetime. You have demonstrated tremendous growth simply by being open enough to read these words today. We appreciate the time and effort you take to continue to grow in loving and positive ways. For not only do you nurture yourself, but you nurture each one of us in the “higher” dimensions as well.

Thank you for all you do!

Selamet! Oc 10

An eBook containing all 260 messages is available for purchase for a donation of $15.00 USD. These messages are unedited, in their original channeled form as received by Theresa Crabtree.

To read previously published messages, to receive free weekly messages or to purchase the eBook, visit: The website also includes many resources on herbal remedies, gardening and ways to gain optimal health and wellbeing.

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