World Viewz

Mayan Message: Day 11 Chuen 11

Release the Child Within

I am Chuen, the trickster and the child within. It is through me that you can discover your child within and let your full Self come out to play. As you have traveled through this life, you have been chastised many times for being playful in what the adults around you considered inappropriate behavior.

How can you be expected to remain in the moment and full of joy when at every step you weren't sure if the "boom would be lowered" and you would be knocked off the boat? We wish to remind you that many times it was not your actions that were inappropriate; it was more likely due to the expectations of the adults surrounding you. Can you think of times when your antics were appreciated and understood to be "cute or funny" then the next time, you were punished or ridiculed for the exact same behavior?

How many times have you heard statements such as, "Act your age!" Then you went to the movies or a circus and there were adults being paid to do the very things you had been doing? What a crazy society! Humans are filled with judgments that they project onto others. Their whims tend to change with their moods. When life is good, things are silly and funny. When life is stressful, the same antics become annoying and bothersome.

Why is this? Much of it is due to the amnesiac state that all of you live in. Most of you have forgotten your true spirit nature, which is ever-present. As you tear away the layers of negative thoughtforms that have glopped within your energy field, you will re-discover your child within. As you dismantle the walls of fears that you have created, your inner child will leap forth with exuberance and joy.

How do get through these blocks? Simply be in the moment. Become aware of your "stinking thinking." Pay attention to the choices you make. Become more observant of the world around you and don't forget to put on an attitude of gratitude each morning when you arise! It is gratitude that unlocks the door to abundance. Think on this for a moment. When you give a gift to someone and they are appreciative of it and go out of their way to thank you for it, how much more likely are you interested in giving them more gifts? When you give a gift to someone who either grumbles about it or never thanks you for it, how much are you motivated to gift them in the future?

Gratitude opens the door to abundance. There are many of you who give freely, yet less of you who are able to receive fully. Why is this? Many times, it comes from feelings of unworthiness. Other times it is from the belief "If I take this gift, then I will have to repay it." These thoughts become engrained in childhood, generally from parents who suffer from these issues, as well. Many of you are spoiled, demanding what you want and rejecting what you don't want. These are learned behaviors.

The true nature that most of you have at birth is pure joy and love. If an infant seems demanding, it is because there is either a health issue or a basic biological need: food, shelter or appropriate clothing. As children develop in the first year of life, they learn to discriminate through experience and through the reactions of others around them.

Watch very young children at play. They pick up a toy then use their senses to explore it. They look at it, shake it, put it in their mouths, sniff it, they react to sounds it makes, they use their fingers to explore the shape and texture, they throw or drop it . . . repeatedly. While they do this, their brain is categorizing all of this information. They will integrate this new-found knowledge. If the object holds their interest, they will return to it time and again to further explore it or for the sole purpose of entertainment.

Left on their own, they are likely to categorize items as interesting or dull, safe or dangerous, tasty or not. It is when they observe others reactions that they are likely to have their own experiences tainted. For example, the baby loves ground green beans. His brother repeatedly says, "Oooh, that's gross!" When the baby is old enough to understand the older brother's reaction, it is likely the baby will reject eating ground green beans.

Children who are sensory deprived when they are young actually become retarded mentally. This is why so many "inner city" children score low on IQ tests. The tests assume that the child has had experiences that are considered "normal." When a child is tested that has not has these experiences, she scores lower than the norm. And so, the child is labeled as having a low IQ. She is placed in the "slow learning" classes at school. Now everyone, including her peers sees her as "mentally disabled" and treats her as thus. Soon the child herself will create a belief code that she is "slow." In your society, we see children telling others they can't help their behaviors because they are "ADD, etc." How tragic for a child to label herself as inferior! This is also a learned behavior.

We see this type of negative categorizing in each of you. There are only a handful of you that have escaped these types of judgments since you first incarnated on earth. We are here today to encourage you to go within and to take a closer look at the belief codes you currently hold about yourself. Get through those issues of weight, beauty, intelligence and anything else that keeps you trapped in a world of comparison.

Each one of you comes from the same Source, beautiful and full of love and light. Those of you who are incarnated on earth have the birthright to remember these things. It is your religious institutions and governmental factions that have brain-washed you into feeling inferior and of lesser importance.

The world in which you live is currently in flux. A great transformation is taking place that many of you can "feel" but can't quite put your finger on. You see chaos around you as the old systems begin to tumble. You have had enough of sacrificing your loved ones to the war machines of greed and power. You work hard every day just to make ends meet and realize it is a losing battle.

Know that you have within you the power to regain control of your life. It will take time and effort to undo the things that you have allowed, but it is well worth the effort to make the change if you truly want to experience peace and joy on a daily basis.

Throughout the year, we will look at ways that you can make those changes. It is our purpose for bringing this information to you. We have permission to help you to "wake up and smell the roses." We mean this literally, for in nature you will find much solace and intelligence. Look at the way the wildflowers grow unattended. Observe the birds as they take care of their daily needs without punching a time clock. Watch as the clouds gather and flow, collecting and releasing rain without charging a water bill. The sun freely offers you warmth and light without sending a utility bill. Learn from the streams as they flow around obstacles without making judgments.

When left alone, the symbiotic relationship between all species is magnificent to behold. Explore the ecological symphony in areas where man has not mangled or raped the land. Pay attention to what you use, how you eat and the way you treat each other. Choose kindness and love for all things in every decision you make.

Take time to remove your masks of fear and shame. Let go of all harsh feelings you harbor against others. Take responsibility for what you eat and for your health. Choose jobs that give you joy. Learn to love yourself. Make love to those you love. Be selective when bringing children into the world. There is much sadness on earth now from children who feel they are a burden.

In ancient Mayan times, as well as many other cultures, each birth was celebrated. Every child upon entry into this world knew they were loved. Each knew they came to this earth for a purpose. Each was supported by the entire tribe. How much better this world would be if you returned to the simple act of loving your babies unconditionally. This cannot happen until you love yourselves unconditionally. Misery begets misery and will continue to do so until you strip away miserable thoughts.

You can do it! Each and every one of you has the ability to go within and do some major housecleaning. Swipe away those cobwebs of disillusionment, sweep away those thoughts of low-self esteem and mop up all those memories of sadness and despair. It is time to wash your windows and let your light shine. Remove the walls and the moat full of alligators and let others in.

As you practice new behaviors with an attitude of self-love, you will find it easier to allow yourself to both give and receive fully. Your need to judge others will fall to the wayside. Your ability to appreciate others will significantly increase. Your ability to maintain a state of peace no matter what happens around you will become second-nature. Life will become more meaningful. Your creative juices will overflow. You will learn to be more aware each moment of your life. You can truly live in the "Garden of Eden" without fear of banishment.

All it takes is the desire to clean up your mess. Roll up your sleeves and begin, knowing that once you get your life under control and clear out the mess, it will be easy to maintain. Once the major work is completed, you will find yourself energized and with time on your hands to enjoy more creative endeavors. Take responsibility for whatever situations you currently find yourself. Be grateful for every experience you have had. Learn from those experiences and make better choices for yourself and your life will unfold magnificently. We assure you of these things.

We are here to support you. Set clear intentions, dream big and receive the gifts we place before you. Our hope is that you see yourselves as worthy to receive all we have to offer. You created much of the mess you are in and you have the full ability to clean up that mess and make it better than it ever was before.

If you feel "stuck" in certain situations, seek out those who have been where you are and find ways they pulled themselves out of the mire. Support each other, even while in those "darkest nights." You are never alone and you are never in a position where there are not at least a dozen solutions to each problem. Think out of the box, press past fears and closed-mindedness and work towards your dream. You will attain it if you have the courage to take the steps to get there.

We leave you today in hopes that you will consider our words of encouragement. Take time to quiet your outer world and reflect on how to release your inner child. You are most deserving of a life filled with love and laughter. Reach out and grasp it!

Selamet! Chuen 11

An eBook containing all 260 messages is available for $15.00 USD. These messages are raw and unedited, in their original channeled form as received by Theresa Crabtree.

To read previously published messages, to receive free weekly messages or to purchase the eBook, visit: The website also includes many resources on herbs, gardening and ways to gain optimal health and wellbeing.

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