World Viewz

Mayan Message: Day 12 Eb 12

Abundance and Religious Institutions

I am Eb, the manifestor of abundance. When we speak of abundance, we mean much more than just money. Abundance comes in many forms: good health, joy, friends, loving family members, a puppy's kiss, anything that brings joy and assists in your evolution towards light and pure love.

You each have within you the power to manifest anything you want or wish to experience. We have talked and will talk more of how to manifest in the days to come. However, today we wish to continue our dialogue on how to accept abundance when it is presented to you and how to recognize it when it is laid at your doorstep.

Many of you complain to each other about your need for money, specific items, more time or energy etc. Yet, when someone offers their services to you, often it is rejected with comments such as, "Thank you, but we are doing okay. We appreciate the thought, but we know you (or someone else) need the money as much as we do." Perhaps you accept the gift, only to pass it on to someone you think is more deserving.

We are not here to judge your choices, but we do recognize that the efforts you put forth to attain what it is you desire many times is either not accepted or passed on to someone else. This behavior is often a reflection coming from a lack of worthiness. How many of you have failed to charge a fair price for your services? How often have you worked jobs that did not bring you joy? Have you lent money knowing you would never be repaid? Where is your worth and sense of fairness?

Your society has a tendency to pay prostitutes top dollar while preachers have to beg for an income. Again, we are not judging your choices; we simply want to bring to your attention why this is so.

Religious institutions emphasize tithing to the church while at the same time their members are struggling to feed themselves. There are a number of congregations suffering financial difficulties, yet making plans to build larger buildings. This is more prevalent than most of you are aware. There is nothing wrong with planning ahead; we are speaking of churches that are looking into the future while struggling in the present.

Many times, there are idle buildings that could be rented or purchased at a reasonable price, yet church leaders push forward to build larger and costlier buildings. At any rate, the problem lies in separation. There is a multitude of churches within every town, many being formed because the leaders and members cannot get along.

All humans desire abundance on some level. This doesn't necessarily mean material goods, for there are many who prefer a simplistic lifestyle. However, all desire an abundance of peace, the ability to choose what they wish to experience and whom they choose to be their friends.

There are all too many religions that interfere with each of these choices. How many have vengeful gods that instill fear? Is this a way to create peace? We know it is not. How many religious institutions condemn and judge people for what they choose to experience in life? Wouldn't even a good earthly father allow his child to experience life with more freedom than most of your gods? Many churches insist that their members befriend only other church members so as not to be enticed away by the sinners or heathens. Wise parents allow their children to choose their own friends. Yet, their gods claim this should not be.

We wish to encourage those of you who wish to have abundance in all areas of your life to look deeply at the religious beliefs you hold. Which ones have you adopted because they were engrained in you when you were a child and had "blind faith," following like sheep, without going within yourself to follow what intuitively felt right?

It is time to wake up and look at your belief codes. Why do you follow the practices that you do? Are you hindering your growth and ability to manifest what you desire due to following beliefs others have impressed on you? Scrutinize each tenet you hold dear to determine if it still holds true for you today. Look closely at what your scriptures say. Do you blindly follow the interpretation of your religious leaders or do you have the courage to walk your own path?

Dare to be different. Take time to research the history of your religion and the dogma of others with an objective mind. Take time to go inside and seek the truth. Any religion that demands time, money or energy from you is worth taking a closer look at. These are the demands that Hitler and other leaders through the ages have used to brainwash the common people in order to gain control over them.

Dare to study the history of the earth's religions. For those of you able to seek knowledge with an open mind, you are likely to be astonished at the number of murders, misuse of money and power, and illegal means that are used to gain control over the masses.

If all religions were true and just, there would be only one religion. You all came from one Source, from a place where initially there was no separation. If your churches are meant to be a way to be more like god, many have failed miserably, unless your god is vengeful and unmerciful.

We have gone on long enough with this dialogue. It may seem harsh to many of you. However, we encourage you to look at these words with an open-mind and to heed our words by peering more closely to the inner workings of the religious establishment that you claim as your own.

If it is abundance you seek in all areas of your life, you are not likely to find it within your established religious institutions. These are mostly set up to keep you under control. We recognize that nearly all religious institutions do good deeds and they are to be commended for that. However, we also recognize those same institutions many times are the ones that are suffering the most.

Why is this so? Many times churches that give the most are the poorest because, like its individual members, there is a collective belief code of lack, unworthiness and ability to receive. The church may need a specific amount of money to fund itself. Yet, in their zeal for community outreach, they stretch their dollars too thin. It is not unusual to find that much money and household items are donated to the community while their own church members are lacking the support they need. Again, this is often due to an imbalance to receive as well as gift.

Balance is the key. This holds true in every aspect of your personal life. If it is abundance you wish to receive, you can also expect to be presented with a myriad of ways to expend your wealth, as well. That is the nature of this world of polarity. It is up to you to use discernment regarding when to receive the blessings gifted to you and when to pass the gift onward.

We have no judgment regarding what you choose to do. However, it is your attitude that is of utmost importance. Often we assist you in attaining the abundance you desire, only to have you not receive the gift or pass it on to another. Anything you do with a glad heart brings us joy, as well. However, what happens all too often is that an attitude of "poor me" rises to the surface.

We would like you to pay attention to your words and attitude when blessings come your way. If you turn down a gift, look closely at why you are doing so. Is it a result of an old habit? Perhaps in the past your gifts from certain people had "strings attached" and so, you hold the belief code that gifts from all people have "strings attached."

Look closely, be as objective as possible and bring to your conscious mind belief codes that hinder you from living a life of abundance. You cannot eradicate old belief codes until you shine a light on them. Consciously choose those you wish to keep and those you are ready to release.

We do not mean for this dialogue to be "church bashing." We know there are many establishments that have a history of helping others with their ascension process. However, it is our desire to encourage each of you to look more closely at the power you give to these establishments. We wish to assist you in restoring the skills that increase your self-empowerment. Most of you have forgotten your ability to manifest your own reality. We are here to help you remember who you are and where you came from.

You have the right to live a life of abundance. Once you realize this and choose to take the steps towards living an abundant life, celebrate by performing a jig called "a bun dance." Stand up, shake your booty and with joy and exuberance shout, "I am worthy to receive all the blessings the universe has to offer me!"

Make this a great day for yourself. We are appreciative of the time you spend evolving yourself towards love and light. For in doing so, you assist in our evolution and expansion towards creating a family of Oneness.

Selamet! Eb 12

An eBook containing all 260 messages is available for $15.00 USD. These messages are unedited, in their original channeled form as received by Theresa Crabtree.

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