World Viewz

Mayan Message: Day 13 Ben 13

Stand in Your Truth

I am Ben, I welcome you this day in joining with myself and the energies of Tun 13. Together we bring you good tidings and wish to spend a little time en-couraging you to move forward in your evolution.

We understand that there is much fear on the surface of your planet at this time. We are here to assist you in removing any fears that you harbor within yourself so that you can see the "bigger picture" and be more able to handle the stresses that confront you each day.

We encourage you to turn off your TV and to tune your radio to channels with better harmonics. The programs you listen to in most cases do not portray the truth. The media is owned and operated by those who have their best interests in mind. Review the history of the beginnings of your media empire. William Randolph Hearst, the original U.S. media mogul proudly proclaimed that his beginnings in the media were to purposely usurp his foe.

It is common knowledge that the media is one-sided. How often do you read reports of UFO sightings, chemtrail poisonings, herbal cures for cancer and other dis-eases? How accurate are your weather reports? Even your obituaries have "rules" attached. So, why do you continue to subscribe to those who intentionally fill your mind with useless facts and inaccurate information?

We are happy to see more "underground" information sites becoming available to you. We applaud those of you getting true messages out through the use of print, radio, and internet websites and videos. At no other time in your history have you had the truth so readily at your fingertips.

Your time could be better spent researching and obtaining your news and weather reports from these sources. Have you any idea how much your weather patterns, including extreme storms is created by the complex interaction of your thought forms? You can control the weather when you work together as a group. Your government has discovered this long ago. Check out the work they are doing called HAARP. We like the title of the book called, "Angels don't play this HAARP," a good read for those wanting to learn more about these activities.

Your typical news media is designed to keep you ignorant of what is really happening in the world around you. The motivation is to control the masses. Yesterday we spoke of how your religious institutions were designed to control the masses. Today we wish to encourage you to research the news media and its sources so that you can discover the truth for yourself.

Research the history of your media moguls. How did they come into power? How accurate is their information? How much truth do they purposely hide? Why aren't current paranormal experiences written about? Why do people like Kevin Trudeau have to fund their own works when it comes to directing people to natural cures? Why have so many people disappeared when they had new technologies that would dearly cost the petroleum companies to lose business? We speak directly of wind and solar power and those other devices that could save the earth from being raped of her natural resources. These "free" energy sources would also "free" each and every one of you by making your life more efficient and affordable.

In the past, it was easy to silence those bringing forth new technologies. Your mind would reel at the number of stolen patents and methods used to keep these energy devices out of the reach of the public. The history of these activities is being unveiled at this time through internet resources. The blessing of the internet is the allowance of the truth to surface. No longer can they continue to kill all the "whistleblowers" because of the sheer volume of information coming to light. There are a number of people feeling safe enough to disseminate the information that is helping each of you to regain your freedom.

In the past, hundreds have been incarcerated for bringing news of useful technologies to the public. Their patents have been purchased then "disappeared." Their families have been endangered. The government that was set up to protect your rights, backs those in power. It is common knowledge that many of those who represent you in seats of authority have been "bought out" by the PAC groups.

Is it any wonder that the industrialized world is in such chaos? They do not have the common people's interest at heart. Why should they? The "common people" are the ones who gave away their power by blindly laying down their weapons, including their rights, at the feet of those they elected to represent them. Your forefathers warned of the controls the government and your banking system would use to manipulate you. By allowing others to "represent" you, many of your powers have been usurped.

It is time for you to regain control of your life. You can do this by going within on a daily basis. Clear your mind of the worries of the day. Ask your guides to help you find ways to empower yourself. Work through the fears that allow you to give your freedom to others. Choose the life you wish to live for yourself. Rediscover what gives you joy and passion. Speak your mind. Know what it is you want. What is your truth? Speak it, with integrity. No matter what others around you do, remain true to your self and stand your ground when you see things around you that do not resonate with you.

It is only through standing in your truth that you will be able to change the world. It will not happen overnight; it has taken eons for your systems to become so skewed. However, by remaining in peace no matter what situation you find yourself in, you will be better armed to make decisions from the heart. No longer live in fear of what the future holds. You will never attain what you want as long as you are focused in the past or future.

Every dream you hold has the chance to blossom only in the present moment. Seek ways to maintain peace in every moment. Speak your truth in every moment. When your thoughts wander to the "poor me syndrome" of the past or the "what if syndrome" of the future, return to the present moment.

The key to happiness lies in living in the present moment with gratitude for all the blessings you have. Each of you is able to live fully in joy at this time. We encourage you to hear our words; we are here to help you overcome all obstacles that keep you from living a joy filled life.

We leave you at this time, with the hope that you will re-read these words and reflect on them before you resume your day. Take time to go within and find those "dark shadows" and fears that hold you back from being the joyous person that you are. Come back often and call on us whenever you need to be in-couraged. Move forward with the anticipation that all is well and getting better with each movement you make towards regaining your freedom.

Have a blessed day and we look forward to working more closely with you!

Selamet! Ben 13

An eBook containing all 260 messages (one for each day of the Tzolk'in calendar) is available for $15.00 USD. These messages are unedited, in their original channeled form as received by Theresa Crabtree.

To read previously published messages, to receive free weekly messages or to purchase the eBook, visit: The website also includes many resources on herbs, gardening and ways to gain optimal health and wellbeing.

You are encouraged to share the Mayan Messages with others as long as you send them in their entirety and with the contact information attached. Thank you.

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