World Viewz

Mayan Message: Day 14 Ix 1

Diet Affects Spiritual Growth

I Am Ix. Thank you for joining us this day for another inward adventure. Today we would like to share with you ways that you can develop your innate shamanistic talents. Each of you is born with the gift to be a seer. However, the fears and belief codes you develop along the way keep you from being the true shaman that you are.

For clarity, I will define the word shaman as "wise one." Although all of you have the ability to communicate with animals and spirits in the unseen world, these talents must be practiced in order to become adept. Some come into the world with "the gift" already intact. You can be assured that in their past life or lives, they were Elders who had honed these gifts for many years.

How do you develop these innate talents? Foremost, through diligent observation of nature, both plant and animal and their symbiotic relationship to the world around them. Most of you walk through life with blinders on, only seeing a specific goal you have set before you. When you awaken in the morning, do you listen to the songs of the birds? Do you know the specific songs of the different species? As you drive your cars to work, do you notice the trees? When did you last spend time in nature, sitting and observing the interplay between the plants, animals and insects?

We encourage you to take time daily to observe nature in action. Take walks in your neighborhood, smell the blossoms, observe the ants as they build their homes in the sidewalk cracks. For those of you who live in the city, pay attention to the weeds. You can learn much from watching their growth in areas that seem impossible for anything to grow.

At the least, if you do not have easy access to natural habitats, we encourage you to grow plants in containers, preferably outdoors. Watch what happens as the plant matures, seeds and withers. Are insects attracted to your plant? Do they use the plant for nourishment or housing?

Have you considered growing edible foods indoors or in outdoor containers? If you have never eaten a plant that you have grown, you are missing a heart-warming experience; there is joy in receiving nourishment from a plant that you or someone else has lovingly attended.

When you attend to a plant, it will soak up the energies you put into it. If you are grouchy or tend to it grudgingly, those energies will be soaked up. We suggest you not ingest those plants. When you lovingly tend a plant, singing and talking to it and providing it with the nourishment it needs, it will reward you with benefits beyond belief. Did you know that a plant can "read" your energy signature and provide you with specific minerals and energy that you are lacking? There is much scientific evidence proving this.

Do you have space to grow the fruits and vegetables that you love? We encourage you to do so; growing only what you are able to attend to. For, as we spoke above, if it becomes a burden, you will negatively affect their growth.

A nurtured garden is a place of healing. Many who are dis-stressed or dis-eased have received wonderful blessings sitting in a peaceful garden. Consider creating a space in your garden where you can bare your feet and tune in with the energies while you stretch your bodies each morning.

There is much talk about fairies, gnomes, devas and the wee folks who live among the flowers and fauna. They each have different functions and can assist you on a multitude of levels. Every plant species has overseers to help them develop from one stage of metamorphosis to another. You have the ability to access these caretakers to find out what each of your plants need.

We encourage you to never use pesticides or herbicides in your gardens or lawns. These destroy the insects that are needed to keep balance in your area. A garden and lawn are not natural habitats. Go into a forest and meadow and watch how they grow. You do not see manicured lawns, perfectly flat spaces or species growing in beds. Nature knows how to grow in balance; that is its innate function.

Learn from nature when you enter unspoiled habitats where humans have not changed the natural landscape. You will see insects in profusion. You will notice a variety of plant species living in harmonious guilds. Taller plants shade those needing less sun. Leaves and vegetation remain on the ground to provide nourishment to the plants and insects. Fruit grows unattended, providing sustenance for the wildlife and insects.

Seeds naturally grow without fertilizer. If where they fall is not a place to nourish them, they will perish, be eaten then defecated in another spot by animals or blown elsewhere by the wind. You will see no lawn spreaders here.

If possible, make your backyard into a natural habitat. Welcome the animals and provide nourishment for them and yourselves. Your society has become too dependent on outside sources for your nourishment. The age of industrialization has created an imbalanced food chain for you and your pets. Is it any wonder that you are filled with dis-eases when you daily ingest toxins that poison your body?

Your bodies were designed to readily cure any dis-ease, including broken bones. However, many of the preservatives, coloring agents and toxins used in farming are foreign to the body. It simply does not know what to do with this overload of contaminants. Many water-soluble toxins flow through the body, yet still leave residues that enter your cells. Most toxins are not water-soluble and enter your bloodstream, flowing to places such as your liver and fat cells. When the body has a foreign object that it cannot use, it will either store it or expel it. Unfortunately, the vast majority of herbicides, pesticides and food additives are stored.

These toxins create havoc in your body, causing major problems such as cancers, attention disorders and chronic fatigue. Cellulite is an unnatural occurrence; these ripples are a sign of stored toxins in the fat cells. Observe healthy infants, their fat stores are for use in the high energy they expend each day. If they are breastfed by mothers who have a healthy, organic diet, they will be leaner and have smooth skin over their fat stores. The "cottage cheese" effect begins to show when the fat cells are storing substances the body cannot deal with.

Special weight loss diets focus on reducing calories by suggesting the use of diet products. Indeed, there may be fewer calories in these substances, but the amount of toxins can be staggering. There has been much research done on various sugar substitutes. So much so that these products should not be on the grocery shelves. They are not naturally processed and have the same overall effect as drinking arsenic tea.

Do careful research on these products. Know who is funding the research; are the researchers being funded by the corporations who will benefit or by those who are seeking the truth? There is so much confusion that many of you throw up your hands in despair. We offer simple solutions to discovering what is healthy for you.

Know that each body system is unique. What is healthy for one can be highly allergic to another. There are many reasons for this. The major difference has to do with cultural genetics. Caucasians are different from Africans. It is easy to see differences in the outer shell, isn't it likely that the interior of these two races are different in their needs and ways they process foods?

In the beginning of human creation, your bodies were designed to eat the foods native to the place where your culture resided. With the advent of food transportation, each of you now has access to food that nature designed to be eaten by other cultures and which may create havoc in your body.

To make matters worse, chemicals have been added to preserve the life of these natural foods so they can handle the transporting process better. This includes the unnatural process of forced ripening, hybridization, genetic modification and grafting. The result is an unnatural product loaded with enough chemicals to kill insects, animals and humans. This is the unwary ingest on a daily basis.

There is so much intermingling of species throughout the world that it is currently impossible to return to the "Garden of Eden" in which each culture eats the foods grown naturally for their specific needs. However, there is much opportunity for improvement of your diet.

We highly suggest the return to growing your own fruits and vegetables. There is much evidence to support the health factors of growing locally and through organic methods. Include the co-creative talents of the devas and nature spirits and watch the magic unfold! Check out the work of Machaelle Wright and the discoveries she shares with others in her Virginian research garden called "Perelandra."

For those of you too overwhelmed to begin a garden, check into local resources. There is a current trend toward community gardens in which private or public lands are set aside for those who do not have space to grow their own food. There is a return to weekly local farmer's markets in which those who cannot or will not grow their own food can still have access to locally grown foods. If there is nothing in your area, start one. All it takes is connecting with others who also wish to improve their health.

As you go through your travels, pay attention to unattended groves, or neighbors who have an excess of fruit on their trees. Encourage them to share with local food banks or to set the fruit out with a sign to take what is needed. There are heart-warming stories of people who volunteer their time and energy to collect these foods and take them to homeless shelters, food banks or the elderly.

There is much waste in your society. The solution lies within each of you. Once you begin to fill your bodies with organic foods and skin care products, you will be amazed at the results. Not only will you lose unwanted pounds, your energy will vibrate at higher frequencies.

Everything in this world vibrates at a specific frequency. Take into account any one factor such as genetic modification, herbicides, pesticides, processing, microwave cooking, etc. and the natural frequency will be modified. The vast majority of food that most of you consume has no life force in it. In most cases, the frequency is altered; it is the same as ingesting poison. When your body is battered day after day with these low frequencies, it alters your innate ability to perceive through your psychic senses.

In order to increase your ability to "see" into other realms, you would have to resort to hallucinogenics. It is no wonder that drug addictions are on the rise. In many cases, your body yearns for a "high." Your body contains survival instincts; as you continue to ingest foods that are toxic and have little to no life force, your body reacts by sending signals to ingest more because it is still seeking nutrients it needs to sustain life. This is why many of you on weight loss diets actually gain weight. We could continue more on the effects of food on your body, but will end this discussion for now.

What we want to bring to your attention is the effect of toxic food and substances on your ability to bring forth your innate shamanic skills. Your psychic and intuitive skills are massively distorted by the toxins you intake. It is difficult to increase your capacity to love and create when you are living on the edge of death. There is no energy left to expend after you have spent your day taking care of your basic needs. It is like trying to drive across the country on one gallon of gas that has been diluted with water.

Life is full of magic when you properly care for your body. As we go through the year, we will show you various ways you can improve your health and well-being. You have many obstacles to overcome, but all are manageable. Your society as a whole is sick, making it harder to change your belief systems. There is much work that each of you can and must do in order to create heaven on earth. It all begins with you, taking care of yourself. Educate your family; make better choices. Others will notice your vibrancy and zest for life and want to know your secrets. You will become a role model and in a position to encourage others to try new ways of eating and caring for themselves.

Most of you have no idea what it feels like to be healthy. Look around and notice people that are healthy, vibrant and energetic. Ask them what they eat, how they keep positive thoughts and what makes them feel energized. They are your teachers. Break old habits, create a new way of living and join those living life to the fullest.

In order to obtain full shamanic abilities, you must vibrate at a higher frequency. This can be done through diet, positive thinking and connection with spirit guides. As you enhance your ability to discern what is "good" for you, your ability to "know" what is good for others will increase.

Dare to imagine a world that John Lennon sang about. It can happen once each of you has taken responsibility for your own actions and choose what is healthy for you.

There is an old saying, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." We remind you that if that apple is genetically modified, sprayed with toxic substances, then processed in ways that kills all the nutrients, it will not "keep the doctor away!"

Make good choices for yourself! We look forward to expanding on these dialogues with you. Have a wonder filled day. Take time to observe nature and to consider our words.

Selamet! Ix 1

An eBook containing all 260 messages (one for each day of the Tzolk'in calendar) is available for $15.00 USD. These messages are unedited, in their original channeled form as received by Theresa Crabtree.

To read previously published messages, to receive free weekly messages or to purchase the eBook, visit: The website also includes many resources on herbs, gardening and ways to gain optimal health and wellbeing.

You are encouraged to share the Mayan Messages with others as long as you send them in their entirety and with the contact information attached. Thank you.

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