World Viewz



Thoughtforms and Vibrations

I am Caban, gatekeeper to the portals within the dimensions. Many of you do not yet believe that you have access at any time to other dimensions. You are so locked within your five senses that it is difficult to believe in anything that you cannot see, feel, hear, taste or touch. Yet, around you abounds evidence that there is much more happening.

Your scientists studying the fields of quantum physics are making much headway in breaking through and proving that much more exists in the “ethers” than you have ever dreamed possible.

The ancient ones knew of these mysteries. This is how they have been able to foretell the future, to ascertain which plants were edible and to learn of their medicinal properties. They have developed ways to communicate with animals, which you erroneously think of as far less superior to yourselves. Since the beginning of your time, there has been contact with what you call extra-terrestrials.

Your ancient scriptures repeatedly speak of angelic helpers and guides. Yet, even those of you who belong to these church organizations still do not feel you are capable of having personal relationships with these loving beings. Your view of the omnipotent, omnipresent, omnibeatmeupwhenifail god has struck fear into every cell of your body.

We are here to remind you that this need not be so. You have within yourself the power to choose the life you wish to experience. The more you learn to unconditionally love others and to treat all with respect and kindness, the easier it will be for you to empower yourself.

All things on earth carry a unique energetic signature pattern or frequency. The frequencies of love and light are very high. As can be expected in your world of polarity, the opposite, the frequency of fear and darkness are very low. The earth itself resonates at a frequency that must be compatible with her inhabitants, or else life cannot be sustained.

Your scientists have proven that gradually, the earth’s frequency has been increasing. You can expect that this shift is affecting all life on earth, even the rocks and other things you deem as not being alive. Consider the opera singer who can sound a note that shatters a wine glass. Her voice is emitting the frequency that causes the molecules that form the glass to come apart. This can happen to every thing on earth that is in form.

Study the works of Royal Raymond Rife, through his research it was discovered that every thing in form vibrates at a unique frequency. In the material world, there is always another frequency that will shatter the object by breaking apart its molecular structure, like the wine glass. Applied to the medical field, Mr. Rife was able to successfully shatter cancer cells, parasites and viruses within the body.

Can you see the implications of this work? Humans now have the capacity to destroy any living cell as well as literally shatter your world through the use of sound waves. Your governments have known of this for eons and have created technologies capable of changing weather patterns, human behaviors and mind control. The capabilities of what they can do are insidious. Many have been tormented while being used as pawns and guinea pigs for their research into ways they can gain control over weather and people.

Those who know of these experiments have been sworn to secrecy or murdered so that the general public does not find out about their antics. Although we could continue vastly on this abhorrent subject, we do not want to lose those of you who are not ready to hear or believe in such things.

However, we do want you to know that many things that you do not know about are happening behind closed doors. Please keep an open mind so that you do not lose the messages we have to offer you in how to gain control of your mind, body and spirit. It is imperative at this time in your history that you know how to protect yourselves from those who wish to cause you harm.

An important key to understanding lies in taking time each day to quiet your inner world. We cannot stress this enough. For eons, humans have given their power over to others: parents, employers, religious and governmental leaders, spouses and even their pets. It is time for you to stand up and take responsibility for your actions and reactions to everything that is happening around you.

When this world was created, it was designed that each person would have “free will.” That means that each of you was imbued with the power to make choices each step you take along your path of life. However, with each action, there are reactions. This is the nature of the world of polarity. If you choose to be angry with someone, there will be repercussions. Everything around you is a mirror; you can expect someone to be angry with you. Emotions resonate at specific frequencies, just like material objects.

Have you heard the saying that you cannot be angry while you are singing? There is truth in this statement. The basic premise is that people sing when they are happy. The emotion of happiness resonates at a specific frequency. It is not the same as the frequency of anger. It is impossible to be angry and happy in the same moment.

Your Masters know of this. Those such as Ghandi and Mother Teresa focused on peace, not on anti-war protests. They knew that by focusing on “not war,” it strengthens the frequency of war. By focusing on “peace,” the same activist is now resonating in the frequency of peace, the opposite of war. You cannot be peaceful and yelling about peace at the same time. Do you understand?

And so, we wish to impart to you the utmost importance of paying attention to your thoughts, words and actions. Your earth is moving at an ever-quickening state of vibration. If you choose to remain on the earth, you will have to continue to raise your vibration, as well.

The highest vibration is that of love. When your molecules speed up, they appear as a cloud when viewed microscopically. There comes a point when the cloud “disappears” completely to the naked eye. These are the levels that your angels and fairies operate. This is why there is so much going on in the “ethers” that you cannot see or hear.

As you learn to expand your capacity to love, your personal frequency will raise. This is why many of your holy men and women are able to communicate more clearly with those in other dimensions. They have learned to shift past their human senses and peak behind the veils. Each of you has the capacity to do the same.

Your news media and those desirous to control the masses will lead you to believe otherwise. However, with practice you can prove to yourself that all things exist as you learn to expand the capabilities unleashed within your subconscious minds. What was once considered to be “no thing” in the air is now coming to light as an infinite field of possibilities.

We have previously spoken of how your negative thought forms glop together due to the law of attraction; like attracts like. We have also spoken of how positive thought forms simply flow in, around and through all things. It all has to do with vibrations. Negative thoughts forms have low frequencies. They are like a thick paste. Consider the making of a paper mache object. Bits of paper are layered one by one and held together with paste. Each layer makes the art object stronger. In the beginning, the first layer of paper was quite flimsy. However, after you have added several layers of paper and paste, it will take a bat and quite a bit of effort to break the paper object.

Negative thought forms are the same way. Each time they are spoken or acted upon, they stick together like the layers of the paper mache object. Within a short time, they have become so tightly bound that it will take quite a bit of effort to break it apart.

Positive thought forms vibrate at a much higher frequency. They are like the clouds we spoke of earlier; they flow into and around each other in delicate patterns. There is no competition for “space;” there is room for all. There is no comparison of better or less than; all simply is.

You can easily tell the levels where people are vibrating at, simply by being in their presence. Many times, you can even tell from a photograph or seeing them on the television. Those who live in the lower densities of hate, anger, and fear generally have a scowl on their face. They may often clench their fists and cross their arms over their chests or bellies. Those who vibrate at a much higher resonance will generally be repelled from them; much like a magnet repels its opposite polarity.

Those who vibrate at high frequencies of joy and love have a “lightness” about them. They tend to smile and hug a lot. They enjoy being around people and make friends easily. Those of the lower vibrations generally are repelled by them and ridicule them.

There are exceptions, of course. For those who are of the highest vibrations don’t judge or criticize others. They may be totally unaware consciously of the other’s negative disposition. Those in love are simply happy to be. On the other hand, those who are living in the lower vibrations sometimes are attracted to those in the light, because they need their energy to regenerate their batteries.

Most of you live in the mid-range. If you tend to be a whiner, you will be attracted to those who will listen to your whining. If you tend to be an activist, you will be attracted to those who will support your mission. Co-dependency abounds in your world of polarity. There is nothing wrong with any of this; earth was designed to allow any set of experiences that one chooses, as long as it is within the parameters of your universal laws.

However, the time for the “Grand Experiment” that we call earth is coming to an end. Like all things that are created, there is a finiteness to it. What has a beginning also has an end. All things are cyclical in nature. Whenever there is an ending, a new beginning is about to occur. You on earth are now on the doorstep of a new beginning.

There was much that was allowed to occur in order to experience ‘darkness.” However, times are changing and with the ever-increasing frequency at the heart of the earth, that darkness can no longer exist. Those who are unable or refuse to lift their vibrations will be unable to sustain their life on this planet.

You see all around you extreme weather patterns and increased global warming. This is not all due to pollutants in the air. Much of it is created by the steady stream of pollutants coming from your minds. There are countless stories of miraculous healings occurring when those with loving hearts pray for them, even when they are physically apart. Do you not think that it is just as possible for people focused on war to create havoc in weather patterns as their thought forms collide together? In both cases, the emotions and thought forms are sent through “thin air,' faster than the speed of light.

If you can visualize your thought forms reacting with other like thoughts, you will be able to see the storms brewing. Clouds tend to join together with other clouds and get darker and denser until they can no longer retain their moisture. As a result, rain is released either in a gentle manner or coming down in torrents.

People are the same way. When you hold in your anger, it will build and build until you release it. If you choose to release anger in the moment that it comes up, the result will be much gentler than after holding it in and lashing out in fury. What we suggest is that you learn to operate in the moment, staying fully present.

Know yourself and what you hold to be true. Dare to be different and experience those things that bring you joy. Learn to speak your truth in a graceful manner. When something occurs that makes you angry, look objectively at what has transpired. Take time to communicate your feelings with others involved. Take responsibility for your actions and emotions. Many times what angered you is a reflection of something unresolved within yourself.

With practice and an open heart, there will come a time in your life in which anger no longer exists. You will have come to understand that all is well and that what others do and say have no control over you. There will come a time when you will learn how to stay centered and at peace, no matter what is happening in the world. This is the goal.

You will then be vibrating at a frequency of love that can keep pace with mother earth. At that point, you will become a role model for others. You will join the ranks of Ghandi, Mother Teresa and those who love unconditionally. As more and more of you reach higher vibrations of love, the energies in the world will tip to a more positive side. It is then that the creation of heaven on earth can be experienced once again.

Selamet! Caban 4

An eBook containing all 260 Mayan Messages (one for each day of the Tzolk'in calendar) is available for purchase for a donation of $15.00 USD. These messages are unedited, in their original channeled form as received by Theresa Crabtree.

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