World Viewz

Mayan Message Day 3

Trinity of Body, Mind and Spirit

Welcome to this day of Akbal 3. It is our intention today to delve into the meaning of three, the trinity. There are many books written on this subject and many interpretations of the symbolism within the number 3. None are greater than another; all are facets of the same diamond.

The aspect that we would like to focus on today has to do with three being symbolic of your connection to the spirit realm. Consider your physical human body as one point of the triangle. Visualize the conscious part of your mind as the second point of the triangle. The third point is the part of your essence self that is still in spirit form, that which is commonly called the "Higher Self." We shall call these three points: body, mind and spirit. They work in a symbiotic fashion to allow for the experience within the realm of humanity on planet earth.

We have already briefly spoken of how "creation" began which allowed for the human experience on earth to become a reality. Let us look a bit deeper in hopes that you can gain a better understanding of why you are here and how you can make this life on earth a little better for yourself and others.

First, we will look at the aspect of "body." Every physical being on earth has an energy field surrounding it. All plants, animals and humans are created from tiny bits of matter that can be called "creation bits." Even "inanimate" objects such as rocks and dirt are made from these tiny bits of organic matter.

There is no thing in your universe that stays "still;" every thing is continually in motion. Even the rocks are in a constant state of change as they go from being boulders, to rocks and eventually becoming the soil. Each one of these "creation bits" holds a tremendous amount of information, much like modern computer chips.

Your physical body is similar to a computer; it also has the capability of storing a tremendous amount of information. Some of that information was programmed before birth. This would encompass data such as the functioning of your circulatory, muscular and digestive systems. Each physical being is designed with specific properties suited to its role on earth, whether it has feathers, fur or a specific chemical make-up.

For this article, we will focus on the human machine and its capacity to store information. Science is proving that humans store emotions and memories in various parts of the body. It has been found that events that cause emotional and mental trauma can be as much a cause of dis-ease as physical traumas.

What has been discovered is that even thoughts of trauma or the fear of being traumatized can be stored in the body and cause reactions similar to having experienced an event. How can this be, you may wonder? In its most simplistic form, the following will give you an idea of how dis-ease manifests itself in the human body.

All thoughts are originated from either a feeling of "love" or "fear." Thoughts emanated from "love" are light and airy. They flow through matter and create a sense of peace and joy. Thoughts originating from "fear" are dark and heavy. Instead of flowing through matter, they tend to glop onto each other. Repetitive thoughts continue to glop together, creating layers.

These glops of energy can gather anywhere in the physical world. Perhaps you have been to places that feel "creepy" or met people that make you feel "uneasy." This could be a result of a glop of negative thoughtforms. For humans, these thoughts first accumulate within their aura, which is an energetic field that can be seen with the naked eye and filmed with Kirlean photography.

These glops of energy first show up as dark areas in the auric field. If they continue to gather and become denser, they will then settle into the physical body and cause dis-ease. If the human is paying attention, he/she may notice the effects of these negative thoughts. Perhaps at first there will be uneasiness or unrest, then pain may result. However, most humans have learned to ignore their symptoms or mask them with pharmaceuticals or addictive substances.

There are many cases of "miracles" in which people's tumors spontaneously dissolved, bones healed rapidly, heart diseases cured overnight, etc. Many times these miracle cures came as a result of fervent prayer. This is one clue that "loving" thoughts can "undo" the damage caused by "fear" thoughts. As we meet together each day, we will be examining the cause and effects of thoughts and how they can be used to manifest anything you desire in your life.

We will now move onto a brief discussion of how the human mind operates. The mind is the center where "thoughts" generate. It is also the mastermind that operates all bodily systems. When you have "fear" or "love" thoughts, your mind automatically categorizes and stores this information. Scientists are proving that specific thoughts are stored in specific areas of the body. Your mind is very literal. It does not judge, it operates more like a computer, "garbage in, garbage out," simply storing the information it receives.

When you continuously think and say things such as, "I am sick and tired of this or that," you are actually programming your mind and body into being sick and tired! There is a little book by Louise Hay that we highly recommend purchasing as reference material. In "Healing Your Body," you can look up a specific part of your body that is causing you dis-ease, and find some general thoughts that tend to create dis-ease in these specific locations.

For example, you may have a type of heart dis-ease. Look up "heart" and you may find that thought forms associated with it with include deep sadness. How many times have you met a very sad person who says that they have a "broken heart?" Their words and the emotions tied to the event or events that broke their heart are now manifested into reality as heart dis-ease! Do you understand the magnitude of this understanding?

This truth reveals your power as a creator of your reality! We will delve into this belief nearly every day of this calendar cycle, for it is the core of the reason why we are bringing you this information. It is our desire to show you how powerful a creator you are when you consciously monitor your thoughts, words, actions and power them with your e-motions (energy in motion). There is no thing that cannot be accomplished when you are consciously aware of how your universe operates.

We will now briefly go to the aspect of your self that we call "spirit." Each of you has a direct connection to your spirit essence that is called your "Higher Self." Many of you already have direct communication with your Source. Many operate on various levels of "intuition" or in-sight. Some of you have intuitive thoughts that you ignore. You often find yourself thinking or saying things like, "I knew I should have done that; now I wish I had!" That is a classic symptom of not following your inner guidance.

Each one of you is truly a "spirit having a human experience." You each have a direct link to your Higher Self. That link continues all the way back to the Source of All. In addition, you did not come to earth alone. There are many spirit beings, including ourselves, on the "Other Side" who are available at any time for advice and support.

You are never alone. There are some guides who remain by your side at all times. There are others who come and go to help with "specialty" areas such as medical assistance, protection or computer help. We kid you not, when you need help with anything, you can be assured there are a myriad of spirit beings who have detailed knowledge related to it. After all, they are the creators of all thought and things that are manifested on earth and beyond!

Know that you are loved beyond what you can possibly imagine. We do not place judgment on any thing that you wish to experience. Like a genie in a bottle, your wish is our command. However, know that you must ask for our assistance for you have been given the special gift of "free will." It is a law of the universe that none can impose their will upon the will of another. There are many who may try to deceive you, but it is you who has the ultimate choice to decide what you wish to think, feel and create in your reality.

Much of our work together will be to help you understand how you have created the reality in which you find yourself today. We will assist you in looking at those areas that no longer serve you and help you to discover ways to release these things. We will then help you to replace any thoughts, words and reactions into those that will assist you in creating "heaven on earth."

Those of you who are skeptic are encouraged to continue to join us daily and to set aside those things that currently do not "resonate" with you and to incorporate those things that ring true for you. As you rotate through the cycle of the Tzolkin daily applications, you will find that there are many layers to discover. What makes no sense today may become a core belief of yours after you have removed several layers of debris that has accumulated over the years.

How many of you hold all of the same beliefs you had as a child? It is your experiences that caused you to change ideas about your self and others. As your ability to discern matures, so will your life choices.

We leave now to give you time to ponder these words and look forward to meeting with you again. We encourage you to take time to go within each day and take time to focus on your current belief programs and discover those that are still running that no longer serve you. It is similar to running a scan on your computer to discover and eradicate viruses.

Go forth and make this a joyous day for your self! Selamet! Akbal 3

An eBook containing all 260 Mayan Messages is available for purchase for a donation of $15.00 USD. These messages are unedited, in their original channeled form as received by Theresa Crabtree.

To read previously published messages, to receive free weekly messages or to purchase the eBook, visit The website also includes many resources on herbal remedies, gardening and ways to gain optimal health and wellbeing.

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