World Viewz

Mayan Message: Day 7 Manik 7

Your Uni-verse

I am Manik, the gatekeeper to the door of silence. This is the silence found by going within. Take time now to walk through this doorway by quieting your inner mind. Let go the worries of the day. Regulate your breathing as you focus on relaxing your muscles. Take time to pay attention to your breathing as you go deeper and deeper into a state of relaxation. Build an attitude of gratitude by paying attention to blessings in your life. Give thanks to yourself for the good deeds you have done to others. Know you are loved beyond measure.

You have now entered the world of silence. This is a place of no thing and no time. All around you are swirls of energy, each with the ability to become any thing that you desire. This is the place of infinite possibilities. With your clear intention, you can set into motion the objects of your desire.

We in the "angelic" realms are masters at pulling this energy from the "ethers" and molding them into form, including that which you call space and time. Have you ever experienced driving a car or being involved in a project and time seems to go very quickly? Have you ever been in a traumatic situation and time seemed to slow to a near stop? Have you ever wanted something so badly then it came to you in a magical way? Have you ever witnessed a miracle healing after a person or group of people prayed for the healing to occur? Have you ever lost your keys then unexpectedly you knew where they were, even if they were in a place you know didn't leave them?

These experiences and many others are the result of our ability to manipulate the energy fields and create your reality. You too have the ability to do this. Most of you have "forgotten" how to do this, due to the state of amnesia that was required for you upon entering this incarnation. However, times have changed and the veils between the "seen" and the "unseen" worlds are becoming thinner.

Many children today are arriving with the memory of their prior existence in the spirit realm. These children have amazing abilities. Some are very intuitive and psychic while others have incredible knowledge related to such things as computers, music and art. Many can see spirits on the "other" side; most are telepathic. If these abilities are nurtured, these children will be able to reach their full potential at very early ages.

The earth is currently "in crisis." All of the manmade structures relating to government and religion are on the edge of collapse. The restructuring process can be done gracefully or torn apart rapidly then rebuilt. The choice is up to the people. There are many who walk among you with the ability to restructure with a state of grace. They have incredible knowledge of the inner workings of the creation process.

Many of these people are now in their 30's. They are the forerunners and parents of the children currently incarnating with fuller memory of life on other planets as well as knowledge of the spirit realm from which all of us have come. They are not "saviors," they are like you and me, one more cog in the machinery. However, each cog is of utmost importance to keep the gears gliding smoothly.

The generations of people who are now in their 40-80s allowed those in government and corporate positions to define their world. Personal power was given to those "in control" to the point that now most of you are little more than slaves to the system. It is time to regain your power and to allow yourself to blossom to your full potential. This will take time, effort and courage to re-mold yourself into what you would like to be.

We would like to encourage you to take time daily to silence your outer world and to dare to dream your life into being. Call on your angelic helpers any time of day or night. In our realm, there is no sleep, as you know it. Time does not exist. We can be in many places at the same time. There is no matter that is too insignificant or too immense; we are here to serve you. It gives us great joy to help you experience any thing your heart desires.

Many of us have never incarnated on earth. In one sense, we live "through" you. You are our eyes and ears. Living on earth is not an easy task; we admire those of you who chose this route. Before you incarnated, you made contracts with some of us who remained on the other side of the veil. Many of us, such as the Mayan Day Keepers and Archangels are general overseers of the "bigger" picture. We were part of the original designers and creators of this universe. We know the inner workings and are quite capable of literally creating something out of "thin air."

This universe was set up with the law of "free will." We will not do anything against your will, although there are "tricksters' who are capable of luring you down paths that may lead you to undesirable goals. It is your choice to decide what it is you wish to experience. We cannot help you achieve these goals unless you ask for our assistance.

There may have been times when you received something you wanted without consciously asking or praying for it. When these things occur, it generally is because it was a deep desire, often on a subconscious level. Many times, humans want something very badly, but for a variety of reasons, they don't feel they can attain it, so no formal prayers or requests are made. However, we on the angelic realms can "read" your energy signatures.

Be it known that every thought you have and every desire you contemplate manifests itself into form. When it is a fleeting thought with little passion energizing it, the thought form floats by like a small wisp of smoke. At times, these little wisps may bump into a like-minded wisp and cling together for a while. However, when thoughts energized by passion collide into each other, they stick together, creating an opportunity to manifest into something physical.

This is how the world as you know it was created. Initially, there was a large group of souls who brainstormed or "thought" this universe into existence. They decided how it would operate and were given a "time period" for its existence. Every thing was carefully designed; the symbiotic relationship between all things was chosen. For final fun, many of the creators decided to allow a portion of their Selves to enter into the realm and be a part of it. Most chose to come as humans, many have experienced lifetimes as animals and some have even come to experience being a blade of grass!

The creation of this universe is indeed very much like a group of people writing a play, creating the plot, designing the sets and musical accompaniments then playing the roles as the actors. What you are witnessing now is the final stage of the play. What will happen next is the tearing down of the scenery and a re-writing of the plot. In order to create the next play more economically and with less effort, the set designers may use the same materials with basically nothing more than fresh paint and a few new screws.

And so, as you re-create your governmental and corporate policies, you can either throw the systems out completely or re-write policies that service the good of all. We are here to support whatever it is you wish. Our main goal at this time is to assist each of you in remembering your true "roots" as spiritual beings. Once you understand how the creation process works, it will be much easier to make the changes you wish to see. This can be done literally in the "twinkling of an eye."

However, let it be known that chaos will still reign as long as there continues to be factions on the "good" side as well as the "bad" side. What is of utmost importance is that each of you fully understands that in order to have "heaven on earth" you must learn the basic skills of unconditional love and respect for each other and every aspect of reality, including all of nature.

What we wish to impart to you today is to find ways to create peace and harmony every moment of your day, no matter what frustrations are presented to you. As you learn more of the dishonesty and treachery imposed upon you from those in places of authority, it is imperative that you quickly move from anger to compassion. The energy of love flows freely; fear and anger glop together and can cause extensive problems.

As the days pass, we will talk more about the purpose of "negative" thoughtforms. Although they may be deemed as "bad," they are of utmost importance for this play. How long would you go to plays if there were no drama or angst? If all plays were "airy-fairy" and lovey dovey, they would soon bore you. It is likely that audiences would clamor for more "good guy-bad guy" drama.

Before any worlds were created, all existed in a state of perfect love. There was no sense of time or space. All that existed were like wispy clouds, floating in and out. There was no such thing as being an individual, all simply was one. There came a time when the essence of One wanted to experience "More" and through many eons, innumerable episodes of 'Separateness, Individuality and Not-Love" have been experienced.

It is important to understand that in order to experience "Not Love," you must have some that are only "Love" become the "Not Love" actors. I recommend reading Neale Donald Walsch's children's" book entitled "The Little Soul and the Sun." This parable can assist you in better understanding the creation of your world and the importance of not judging others as "good" or "bad" or "less or better than" others.

We encourage you to take time each day to go within yourself and ask for guidance to better understand the workings of your universe. You will be guided to books, videos, websites and people that can assist you in understanding more about your world. Follow your intuition and allow yourself to walk along the path of discovery. Know that no thing you do is "wrong" or "bad." All you do is simply an experience.

Know that these experiences are recorded in your body as well as in the history books of your universe. They are not recorded to place judgment on you; they exist to be accessed by others who may want to watch your "movie" without personally experiencing all that you went through. Would you rather watch a war movie or actually be a soldier on the front line? Would you prefer to be an Olympic athlete and go through the rigorous training or simply watch the games on television?

Each of you is living a unique existence. All of you are operating on different levels of understanding and awareness. Any of you who are aware of the "Akashic Records" is able to temporarily live any experience you desire through another's experience. All of you on earth, in every moment is writing and living a unique play that can be enjoyed by others. You are each a unique teaching guide, for others can watch and learn from what you experience. Just as you learn from your experiences (touch something hot and you get burned), others can watch your "movie" and make choices regarding what they would like to experience.

These records have existed for eons and are invaluable to those who wish to leave the "Oneness" and "Individuate." As you read this, you may feel there is an invasion of privacy or feel "creepy" that others can view you at any time. We wish to let you know that we are not "peeping toms" and there is no judgment being placed on you.

Before coming to earth, you made various contracts. You may have chosen to close your records to anyone other than yourself. You may have allowed your spirit guides to have access to your records. Your neighbor cannot peek into your records and spy on you. Access is only permitted by those your Higher Self and the Keepers of the Records allow.

It may be hard for you to fully understand the Records and how they operate, but in time you will re-member and know how to access them for your personal gain. Our main message for today is to encourage you to go within often and learn ways to remain in a state of peace and harmony so that you can make better choices when it comes to creating the world you wish to live in. So much is possible and we look forward to the day when each of you is living in a state of joy and creating at a conscious level.

We so much enjoy working with you and celebrate those moments when another of you begins to create from a conscious level, with the goal of attaining perfect love while in the human form. Call on us at any time, for any thing great or small. We are with you always and have highest admiration for each and every one of you. Be kind to the animals and all beings on earth, for they literally could be someone who once walked the earth as someone you knew and loved!

Be in Joy, Selamet! Manik 7

An eBook containing all 260 Mayan Messages is available for purchase for a donation of $15.00 USD. These messages are unedited, in their original channeled form as received by Theresa Crabtree.

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