World Viewz


Honoring the Wisdom of the Elders

Hello, I am Etznab and together with the Tun of 5, we welcome you to another topic of discussion. We would like to share our teachings regarding wisdom. Many of you respect your Elders as those who are the wisdom keepers. However, most of you are too busy to stop and encourage your Elders to share their wisdom. There are tomes of knowledge being lost because there is no one to listen. Sad indeed are those souls locked into nursing homes with no one to listen to what they have to offer.

This has not always been. From very ancient times, Elders were respected and given high reverence. Many cultures set times aside each year for the express purpose of listening to the storytellers and the Elders as they shared their life experiences with the younger generations.

Too much time is spent nowadays watching videos and movies that have nothing to offer other than brain numbing entertainment. We suggest you turn off the TV and gather your children and grandchildren. Rejuvenate the art of storytelling and family entertainment. Eat dinner together in peace, blessing your food and those who brought it to your table.

In older civilizations, families were the center of the culture. The full tribe worked as one to raise and educate the young. Every person had a purpose with each sharing in the chores and gathering the food. Can you imagine living closely with your entire tribe? Many of you cannot fathom being in the same room for any length of time with some of your closest family members. Why is this? You have lost the basic skills of clear communication, sharing and forgiving.

Clear communication involves talking when it is your turn to talk and listening while others are talking. There is so much ego on the planet at this time; it is rare to engage in conversations when no one interrupts another. By active listening and mirroring back what the speaker has said, there is less likely to be misunderstandings. How many of you are comfortable stating your truth and your honest opinion in any given situation? Lack of integrity and courage keeps you from knowing each other deeply.

The lack of sharing is epidemic in your current societies. There is a huge fear of lack that permeates every aspect of your culture. Many are creating havoc as means to control others and gain excessive wealth. Poverty and hunger need not exist if all would simply share the skills and material objects they have.

Forgiveness is another word for non-judgment. Most beg for forgiveness when they transgress another. Others boldly proclaim that someone owes them an apology before they would even consider forgiving that person's transgressions.

Once it is understood that each of you is doing the best they can in any given situation, you will better understand there is no thing and no one to forgive. In the act of "forgiving," you have to place yourself in the position of judge. Who among you has never transgressed another? Who among you decides what is and is not to be forgiven?

Each of you has created your own set of belief codes that causes you to make a variety of choices based on your understanding of a situation. Although you may know that the choice you make is unkind, it may be the best you can do at that time, considering your habits and fears.

If each of you were able to move past your fears and create belief codes filled with love and joy, how much different your reactions to situations would be. There would be no need to coerce or manipulate others. There would be no need for representative governments, for you would be better able to represent yourself in tribal situations. Many of your social programs would close their doors, for the tribe would innately provide the needs of all its members.

Babies would be born into the world knowing they are loved and have a contribution to make to society. Your educational systems would be better suited to the needs of the children, rather than trying to create little robots to run the factories. Your elderly would live within the family home, being honored and valued.

And so, we return to the topic of today, honoring the wisdom of the Elders. It is time once again to place your Elders in the position of wisdom keepers. Learn the knowledge they have to share relating to family, culture and society. Most of the indigenous Elders are leaving the planet, taking their wisdom with them, for there was no one else to pass the knowledge on to. This is a sad state of affairs.

It is imperative that each of you know how to go within and tune into your guides. Each of you holds the Truth of All within your cells. Learn how to access these memories so they can be used for the betterment of all. As you study with us throughout the year, you will learn the keys to understanding how to access your personal memory as well as the memories of how the earth was created and how to manifest your future.

We bid thee a temporary farewell and invite you to call on us for clarification and ideas on how to improve your lot in life. We have much to share with you and stand in awe of all that you do, for we know this incarnation is not an easy one.

Until we meet again, peace be unto you,

Etznab 5

An eBook containing all 260 Mayan Messages (one for each day of the Tzolk'in calendar) is available for purchase for a donation of $15.00 USD. These messages are unedited, in their original channeled form as received by Theresa Crabtree.

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