...about me? I'm just your average southern Oregon rural transplant from San Fransisco Bay area with, an electronic home business in the garage, and out-buildings. I had a flying accident in 1981, and a near death experience that later found me in an ashram near Bangalore, India in 1990 and 1993. The NDE had bankrupted me, and I reallly got my money's worth, and would not trade it back. All I can do is live in the present moment, and help others that appear in my path. The teachers are appearing everywhere. I been to many Abraham workshops over 8-9 years. I been to a Drunvalo workshop in Portland a while back, I keep a room dedicated to meditation, and my library. My quiet time usually includes playing my violin, and my free time is often spent shooting video of local events or local people. Samasta Loka Sukino Bhavantu (May all the beings in all the worlds be happy).
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