I am currently living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I adore the art of yoga and exercise. I am currently pursuing Kundalini Yoga, for its benefits are ultimately what I feel everyone on earth should realize about themselves.
I love to travel. Ive been many places and have met many wonderful people who have inspired great things to happen inside of myself. I am constantly working for a better day for myself and others.
Eventually I would like to have a meditation studio and art center where creativity is the focus. To inspire others to live their dreams with courage and clarity, commitment and accountability.
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At 11:11am on December 28, 2009, laurel white said…
thank you for your words in your PROFILE. they are mine too, with a few added things. maybe we can put our IMAGINATION towards our common goals together.
here's where a number of us are gathering as well: www.ringingcedars.ning.com
Namaste - laurel
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here's where a number of us are gathering as well: www.ringingcedars.ning.com
Namaste - laurel