World Viewz

Eugenia Oganova's Blog (2)

Excerpt from my book "Awakening the Harmony Within" (the "Mind Mastery" chapter):

"Fully embodying the belief that we create our reality frees our consciousness range from self-imposed limitations. This is the first step of the path of Self-Mastery – the mastery of the Mind. We become aware that we are responsible not only for our actions, but also for every thought we have. We then recognize that we must become disciplined in tracking these thoughts to their conceptual origins, and facing head on our fears and misconceptions.…


Added by Eugenia Oganova on September 5, 2013 at 12:15am — No Comments

Excerpt from my book "Awakening the Harmony Within" (the "Structured Water" chapter)

"...Structured water is the water which is in harmony with the Universal Blueprint, it is the “water of Nature”. If you pour water into a mountain stream at the top of the mountain and then collect it at the bottom, the water is structured. Structured water is free of memory. The main contingent in a molecule of structured water is life force energy. The water molecule has the power, the individual authority to uphold life, and that is to cleanse it from the things that are adverse to life…


Added by Eugenia Oganova on September 2, 2013 at 7:39pm — No Comments

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