World Viewz

I wanted to share a dream I had on Nov. 1, 2008. I believe in dreams and pay great respect to them as they have proven to me prolifically prophetic in the past.

My dream showed me this movement of Green groups taking hold sooner and quicker than any of us expected. Success of all the green groups, young and old people, mainstream religious organizations, high-tech businesses, a new green collar economy is here! That once looming battle for a viable economy and a livable planet is over. The most important issues changed, from global warming controls to clean energy solutions to wilderness preservation taken a Strong Hold. Stronger than any of us imagined, "in time" to save our planet. My dream showed me our Hopes and dreams of an environmental promise grounded into a legislative reality. Clean energy jobs, hybrid and electric cars on the road, renewable energy, our natural Earth returned to us better than ever. In my dream all people of the Earth respect Nature and all She Is. It was Law, Natures Law restored, enforced and honored by all citizens. Three times that night I dream I was awake and telling people of the Hope and Truth my dream brought to me, to us, the Earth and Humanity. Thank you for your personal vision and passion in action, what ever that may be to make this change possible... One person at a time, it has worked, the hundredth monkey is here! I BELIEVE It!

Women are the natural reservoirs of Yin for the earth, we store this energy, not only for ourselves, but for all of life on Earth. In the moment the energy of Yin on our planet is replenishing, every woman who allows this spark within to blaze up into full flame... will be a blessing for the Earth. The Mother is receiving us Now!

As the Light and Love that we are, we have some very important things we get to do. In this process we stay positive as we continue to hold the Highest Vision for our planetary transition and Ascension to Higher vibration and consciousness. Staying true to ourselves by doing what uplifts and supports, being responsibly honest and in integrity with ourselves and others, and staying connected with our own inner Divinely inspired guidance. I Celebrate Life in complete and utter Gratitude this day and everyday with you dear Priestesses. The hundredth monkey is here! Yes We Can... it IS already done!!!

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