World Viewz

This dream was very powerful to me and as soon as I awoke from the dream I felt as if I was still in a type of meditative state and was able to continue the information while awake which I had not done in previous dreams.

The dream itself was very short and in the dream I could feel a Plutonic Energy (from the planet Pluto) which seemed very real. This energy which I felt was being sent forth into space which in the dream represented ‘The Mother’.

This feeling was very strong and woke me but then I was told the following in exactly the words described.

“Could it be that the Anima Mundi (The Soul of the World) is the ‘Great Mother’ waiting to be impregnated by the energy of her own creations. We must send back to her the energy we are given by our planetary placements in order for the evolution of life to unfold (be brought out into the light of awareness) in a never ending spiral of unfolding consciousness. Thereby the ‘Great Mother’, the Anima Mundi continually rebirths in order to know herself. “To Thyself be Known”

Our only job in life is to “know thyself’, to be true, in order to recreate in a never ending upward spiral of conscious awareness that the two may become one.

This dream was significant in that it relayed to me a very strong message about my astrological studies and gave me insight into a much larger perspective about our existence. This dream changed me in the way that for the first time since I started studying astrology I actually could feel its truth rather than know it on an intellectual level.

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Comment by Michele Walters on May 4, 2009 at 2:41am
Hi Clem, thank you very much for the warm welcome and for sharing your experience. I am sure I am involved with WZ community to continue my upward spiral. I really am looking forward to hearing and sharing in others experiences. I think it is really interesting that similar knowledge is revealed to us in a way that correlates with our understanding, I will place on a blog some more of my intuitive writings for feedback! Thanks again and love and light to you. Michele.

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