World Viewz

Leslye Jacobs


There is a special person in my life named Sig that I met one summer 10 years ago on June 9th, 2000 when the great white buffalo RAINBOW SPIRIT was born signifying luck and abundance. This man was someone I instantly recognized that I knew before. Call it “déjà vu” but it was just a feeling of familiarity and a strong bonding. It was summer and we were both at a Beachside Restaurant/Bar in Michigan called Beach Grill on the water. He was with his group of friends and I was with mine – and my friend Amy sensing an attraction - decided to introduce us. The year was 2000 and I had just come out of a serious relationship and was not really looking for anything– and that’s when I met this playful guy Sig who coincidently had my phone number. You see, his digits were were 7788 (just like my parent’s house growing up) and mine were 8877… which I eventually dropped down to 88 after moving outwest. Not really a big deal of a coincidence.. but lots of strange things continued to happen between us – in fact more and more as the shift began to occur over the years. On one of our first dates we discovered that we had similar very strange taste in music and that the music was linked to us in ways that we wouldn’t discover until years later. It’s hard to explain in words – but I thought for the first time in my life – I had met someone as strange and odd as I was! In fact, it was an “on-going” joke in our relationship that I was “odd.’ But you see, he was odd too! Though I relished in the notion of being “different” – it wasn’t until I was free-wheeling and living out west that I could fully embrace and flaunt my eccentricities – carrying little for tradition or what people thought. But this man Sig was the same – he was odd!. He stuck out like a “sore thumb” no matter how hard he tried to fit in and blend with people in the Midwest – he was different too – and that’s what I liked about him. We discovered we had both lived in Florida and California at exactly the same times and had lots in common the more we got to know one another. For months we dated but there was always a painful association with this union. A pain in my heart that caused me to “bolt” when I was around this person too much. Though I was very much attracted to this man deeply on a soul level and enjoyed being with him – I would wake up with so much anxiety and pain – I just wanted to run in the opposite direction – as far away from him as possible. I could not understand why - I just didn’t like the feeling of getting too close to him – because it felt painful. With time, I learned that the feeling was mutual – and he too, could not “get comfortable” around me for too long. We continued to date and later that summer – he broke his ankle. Through the help of my brother who was a physician, I was able to get him an emergency appointment with the top ankle specialist in Michigan – giving him the best medical care possible to repair his ankle. This was needed as he had twisted his ankle completely around. Though I did help him obtain the best possible treatment, I was not what you would call a “Florence Nightingale” type. In fact, I was just the opposite. Though normally warm and loving, I was completely annoyed and felt “inconvenienced” that I had to take care of him. Helpless and in a lot of pain – I was not a very sympathetic friend or lover and found myself late to pick him up from the hospital and though I did buy him groceries – I was not as caring as I should have been – but I didn’t know why. This led to anger and fights and our eventual breakup. – a series of on and off occurrences that would occur between us over the last ten years. Little did I know the “past life” truth behind why I didn’t take care of him and why we couldn’t be around each other too long even though the feelings and love in our hearts ran deep. The reason behind this pain and “abandonment” would surface years later when I discovered a past-life in Missouri during the late 1800s/early 1900s. Through several journeys under hypnosis I was able to validate who we were in this lifetime and the “root cause” of why I didn’t take care of him well when he broke his ankle. It was a lifetime where I died of complications from polio and was taken to my last breaths using an iron lung. It was an emotionally traumatic incarnation because I had a great marriage with this man and wonderful children – but our lives were torn apart by my sudden onset of polio, the quarantine and then my eventual young death. In this Missouri lifetime, Sig and I were living in a city near St. Louis. We met while he was working and married a short time later. In addition to the two of us, I recognized my brother Randy as my brother, and also my good friend Meri - who was my mother in this particular lifetime. Spirit world would always send me validation and messages to show that i was "on the right track." The day I was able to validate that my good friend Meri was with me in this lifetime - was a day when i recieved confirmation from Meri herself.. As she sent me an email joke the same day with the same two exact names she had in this previous lifetime! That’s how spirit world works – synchronicity and validation occurred instantly and on many levels. Also, going to the past - also "validates" certain things in the present. For example, my good friend Meri still carried guilt and remorse from past-lifetimes - especially over the fact that I died alone in the Polio lifetime - and she couldnt be there for me. Though we "newly" became friends in this lifetime a month before I almost died in in a near-fatal car accident at the age of 21 - Meri was at the hospital every day visiting me and making sure I was never alone. This was her way of making up for not being able to be with me during my final days in the Missouri lifetime. Though i had plenty of validation from the spirit world, I felt I needed more proof as a scientist so that others in my world would understand, so I spent several months digging through the Census records validating who we were by combing the Missouri Historical Society and other records for answers. Soon, I discovered the important Census records I needed validating my parents name -and my mother's name. This was the thread of evidence I needed to string this lifetime together. After first discovering the name of my mother and all of us- I thought I had made a "miraculous" breakthrough - but good friend Swami G - assured me that others in this lifetime had validated their previous existance - it was not something new. I knew this, but it meant so much to me knowning that it existed and also to the people in my life who didnt understand what was going on. He suggested I see Jane Seymour 's movie - Yesterday's Children, based loosely on English author Jenny Cockell's search to validate her own past-life and children in Ireland where she lived as Mary Sutton an Irish Catholic woman who died young - leaving her children to be raised without her. A pain similar to what I had endured in my Missouri lifetime - I was eager to see the film - so in 2007 I obtained a copy of the movie from overseas and made sure my family and friends viewed it. I wanted them to fully understand not only what I had been through - but also to understand why i was searching to prove in theory as both a scientist and researcher the important evidence which held the key to a lot of my healing in the present. Jenny Cockell, Dr. Bruce Goldberg. Brian Weiss and several others were pioneers in discussing and validating past-lifetimes. This was nothing new. Jenny wrote decades ago about her journey to find her past life children through hypnosis. Yesterday's Children, based loosely on her life, showed how she finally tracked down her children in Ireland and how through a series of hypnosis sessions- she is lead to validate this significant past life. Upon meeting her former children for the first time, they were elderly and in their 80s and very Catholic - with no former belief or acknowledgement in past-life regression. However, when they spent time with her and got to know her, they discovered "unmistakenly that this was the soul of their late mother Mary Sutton. Together Jenny and her past-life children appeared decades ago on the Phil Donahue show - and told the world their story. Her son - who was frail and elderly told viewers that when he looked into Jenny's eyes - he just instantly recognized the soul of their late mother. Depsite this breakthrough - its been several decades and still there are many skeptics today... but I believe people will open up to understanding this when they are "ready to" - as it is a lot for people to digest and understand. For me personally, my hypnosis sessions were very clear and detailed - much like Jenny's quest to find her Mary Sutton lifetime. During sessions in deep trance I saw the exact moments I contracted the disease and became quarantined. It was heart-breaking to discover and one that left me frightened and scared under hypnosis. Sig too was an emotional wreck in this lifetime, as he was left to raise our kids alone and I was whisked off to die somewhere rural without many visitors where I eventually died from complications from the disease. I felt the iron lung and my body slowly drifting more and more into what felt like deep cement. My husband (Sig) was very much unable to handle what happened to me – basically had a nervous breakdown handling the kids and greiving for the loss and the fact that our lives were pretty much over. He never let the kids write me or see me ever again and they never visited – it was “as if” I was dead before I was dead. At the end of that lifetime – I could sense he was moving on with his life and marrying someone else to help raise and take care of our kids – as it was his way of “coping” with the loss and the huge responsibility of raising our family. I felt truly abandoned but grateful at the same time that this women (who I recognized as his ex-wife in this lifetime) was going to be taking care of my children for me. When I passed away – I floated above my husband and saw him crying himself to sleep one night over the dinner table. I also followed my kids to school and felt pain and tears over them feeling alone without a mother and not being able to kiss them and tuck them in at night or comfort them – as I sensed a deep sense of loneliness – particularly for my daughter who felt “neglected” and unloved in the family unit as time went by. I learned from my guides that it was agreed in this lifetime that I would leave Sig widowed so that he would in turn experience the pain/loss of what I went through being widowed and raising our child alone in our previous Lakota lifetime together. As I tell my clients, not always, but oftentimes in the LIFE BETWEEN LIFE process – we contractually agree to a serious of lifetimes with a soulmate together “in reverse”– to grow and learn similar lessons. Therefore, this lifetime was Sig’s turn to raise our kids and be widowed – the opposite of what I had to do standing on my own to raise our son in the Lakota lifetime when he left me widowed young. While there was much pain to be released and healed from this lifetime, journeying several times to the Polio lifetime allowed me to validate and heal a lot of the wounds – but not quite enough – as ill get to a little later - it really took DNA healing to complete the healing process. However, I will never journey back to this lifetime again under hypnosis– as I was told by the spirit world that I would risk bringing on the disease again – something I did –only for my research to validate who were through Census records - our names, streets and places. This is information I plan to release at a later date. The severe trauma in my case caused by experiencing abandonment, a crippling disease and an early death – made it difficult for me to trust Sig in this lifetime– and hence explained the pain in my heart triggered when I would get too close to him. In turn, Sig too had “commitment issues” as he too, had a deep wound in his heart from me leaving him widowed. This pain in our hearts made it difficult for Sig and I to get too close to anyone – let alone each other. Though things are better and I have had much healing – there is still more work for us through DNA healing– but there has been a definite healing breakthrough that has occurred - a cleansing and opening up in both our hearts – without Sig or I ever having to do any more regression or traditional therapy work. DNA healing is that much more powerful than just traditional regression alone- as it allows us to heal "snipits" of lifetimes from our past together- were we have had to experience this sense of loss with each other. It erases painful memories, core beliefs from both our history/ancestoral level as well as our DNA level without having to "open the wound". It is through both practicing and receiving DNA healing myself – that things are finally on the mend. The wounds of this traumatic lifetime finally sealed and healed. A year ago - suffering the pain and loss of a miscarriage together was not an easy thing to experience – but this too was another lesson of loss that we both were tasked to experience in this lifetime for personal growth. During Sig’s birthday this past November, I was happy to see this Rainbow. Something I hadn’t experienced in person since the Detroit Pistons beat the Lakers in 2004 and it appeared on the wall of a very spiritual Asian import store I was visiting in the early daytime. As the rainbow came in through the window and formed on the wall- I took the photo not realizing that a pure WHITE Pig formed in the bottom of the rainbow. It was distinctively a Pig! (SEE PHOTO BELOW) A nice sign from spirit world that not only was our relationship healed; but that Sig too was being healed -as my nickname for him has always been Siglet. It was during this time that I knew we were finally healing together – with our hearts in the “right place” free of the pain and starting to really open and heal. Being a healer and sharing my own personal journey is something I know I was personally tasked to do in this lifetime - but not an easy story to tell. I hope by sharing this story with others that they too are helped to heal and seek out DNA and other types of blended/alternative therapy to heal their own wounds.

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