World Viewz

Reflections on the Waitaha Gathering #1 - Manifesting a Meeting with Drunvalo

To some I will sound in a moment like I am worshiping a guru, and perhaps there is a little bit of that. For others they will wonder what the big deal is, as is the case if chatting to Drunvalo Melchizedek is a regular occurence for you. However, as I shared with my friends and customers, it would be remiss of me to meet Drunvalo and not tell you about it.

I believe in manifesting, and Drunvalo tells me his wife is an amazing manifester. Well I have to say that at times I get it very right too. Like manifesting a private conversation at Auckland airport at the end of the New Zealand Waitaha gathering in August 2009. Perhaps I should add that I sat opposite Drunvalo at three or four meals early on in the trip and listened intently but chose not to pester him, as it seemed many people wanted a piece of his advice and wisdom. I sensed he was tired from the trip to Hungary where he filmed a live broadcast 3 times in one day with only 2 hours sleep between each filming. You can see this broadcast in 14 parts on youtube and it makes a great introduction to his work and the times we moving towards with 2012 and all it encompasses. In addition to seeing how many people seemed to want something of Drunvalo, I had read all 4 of his current books cover to cover, even the amazing and in depth Flower of Life books. Maybe there were things I could ask, but they are amazing books, and I was happy to just be in his presence.

It was not until the last day when someone approached me to say all was not as it seemed, and that if I was going to write up the notes I had scribed during the gathering, then maybe I should ask Drunvalo for the truth, as best it could be told. So after missing my opportunity at the hotel while waiting for the airport shuttle, I arrived at the airport and while shifting items between my suitcase and carry on luggage my intuition said quite clearly “put the book in your carry on”. The book, Flower of Life volume 2, was the only one I had brought along, as we were told to pack light. As I debated with this intuition, my mind told me I wouldn’t be reading anything on the flight. I was tired from an amazing experience. When it came again “Put the book in your carry on”, I did as I was told.

Later after some synchronicity, which saw me just happen to end up in the right place at the right time, I was able to ask about the events I needed clarified. What followed felt a bit tacky, especially coming after the trip where we were told the time for gurus was over and we need to look inside ourselves. So, sitting in the airport, I asked Drunvalo if I could ask a favour... He said “sure” in his laconic and relaxed drawl that I had by now come to know and love (absolutely no disrespect, as I listened intently to all Drunvalo had to say). Now Drunvalo had no idea what was coming (or maybe his angels did) as I asked him to sign the book which was 'conveniently' sitting in my carry on bag. We had been wearing name tags the whole trip, but I had not had a real conversation with him till now. So when he said “it’s Jane isn’t it”, I was impressed. There had been 121 people who Drunvalo effectively brought to New Zealand, in response to the invitation issued from the Waitaha nation by Te Porohau. We came from 36 countries and there were only 4 who claimed Australia as either their current home or birthplace. So yes, I was impressed, and then I was thrilled at how the universe works when I asked Drunvalo if there was anything he wanted or needed to do. You may not know my old material self's love of shopping but it was my innate sense of navigation in shopping malls that played out perfectly as I took Drunvalo duty free shopping for Icebreaker thermal gear! Oh and yes I decided I needed at least one item as a souvenir of the trip.

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