World ViewZ Main Vision:
is to bring forward a variety of
Sacred Alternative Media
that engages the heart and reconnects to the heart with Mother Earth through imagery, symbolism, music & movement, as this will be the motivator to inspire people to cross boundaries of all bias and will play a major role in communicating solutions worldwide.
Robert Dakota
World ViewZ LLC
Global Culture Exchange
WVZ ~ Dakota ~ Tara ~ Jeremy ~ Sedona
World ViewZ LLC is actively engaging with self~motivated, self~passion driven conscious creative beings.
World ViewZ is actively seeking funding to continue with the vision towards creating Sacred Alternative Media platforms and DVD production for creating a collective of conscious perspectives via the inter-net to people around the world.
World ViewZ is actively involving networkers, innovators, gathering gatherers, filmworks seminars,
Indigenous Cultural Tours,
and organizations to collaborate through mutually beneficial fund raising alliances.
Meaning: World ViewZ is creating partnerships for creative fund raising by providing a Non-profit base to create conscious gatherings that bring people together to raise vibrant energy which is greatly needed on the planet right now.
By donating to World ViewZ LLC through Geomancy Foundation you support the Sacred Alternative Media's, Events, Gatherings, Journey's as well as the "Living In the Heart Library together with all of the
One Heart Journey's
Drunvalo Melchizedek
Peru 2004
to Moorea 2008.
Sacred Earth " Her Story In The Making" a documentary of the 5 years of journey to the Peruvian Rain forest, Highlands, Japan, Bali, Canyonlands SW, New Zealand, Guetamala, Rapa Nui Easter Island, Moorea Tahiti, Chile Patagonia - Andes,
California, Kauai, Maui, including 13 exclusive interviews with indigenous elders, healers, wisdom keepers.
We have already done the film work. We need your help to raise the financing for media production & distribution.
We all will share in the financial benefits through commissions for fund raising WVZ will provide the media and the platform to promote the non-profit; instead of spending large sums on advertising, we can share that with people who cultivate this New Planetary Culture......
We will have more details in the next WVZ clip as well as donation links.
© 2025 Created by Robert Dakota.
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