Chakra Stones
1. Base Chakra - Muladhara - e.g. Garnet Stone

2. Sacral Chakra - Swadisthana - e.g. Carneol

3. Navel Chakra - Manipura - e.g Citrine

Solar Plexus - e.g. Topaz

4. Heart Chakra - Anahata - e.g. Aventurine, Rosequartz

5. Throat Chakra - Vishuddha - e.g. Aquamarine

6. Third Eye - Ajna - e.g. Lapis lazuli

7. The Crown Chakra - Sahashrara - e.g. Amethyst

1. Ek Ong Kaar - Snatam Kaur, words by Guru Nanak (1st of the Sikh Gurus) 
Ek Ong Kaar
Jat Paahaaraa dheeraj suniar
Ahran mat vayd hathi-aar
Bhaa-o khalaa agan tap taa-o
Bhaandaa bhaa-o amrit tit dhaal
Ghaaree-ai shabad sachee taksaal
Jin ka-o nadar karam tin kaar
Naanak Nadree Nadar Nihaal
The Creator is One
Let the practice of restraining your desires be the furnace
And let calmness be the goldsmith
Let the mind that knows the difference between Truth and falsehood be the anvil
And let what you learn from your own experience be the hammer
Take your fear and use it to stoke the fires of your own spiritual discipline
And let Love be the pot in which the nectar of self-awakening, of self-awareness, is poured
From that, fashion the coin of speaking and living pure Truth
Those upon whom you look kindly, Oh Divine Spirit, act in this way
Oh my soul, the Divine Gaze bestows a continuous grace which completes everything
Music by Snatam Kaur, Translation by Ek Ong Kaar Kaur Khalsa, 2. Prayer of Light - Gurunam (Michael Joseph Levry)

Love before me
Love behind me
Love at my left
Love at my right
Love above me
Love below me
Love unto me
Love in my surroundings
Love to all
Love to the Universe
Peace before me
Peace behind me
Peace at my left
Peace at my right
Peace above me
Peace below me
Peace unto me
Peace in my surroundings
Peace to all
Peace to the Universe
Light before me
Light behind me
Light at my left
Light at my right
Light above me
Light below me
Light unto me
Light in my surroundings
Light to all
Light to the Universe 3. Wah Yantee - Amrit Kirtan 
This mantra uses the words of Patanjali. It represents thousands of
years of prayer. With it, we call directly on the Macroself, beyond
the gunas, beyond creation.
Waah Yantee, Kaar Yantee
Jag Doot Patee, Aadak It Waahaa
Brahmaadeh Traysha Guroo
It Wha-hay Guroo
Great Macroself, Creative Self.
All that is creative through time.
All that is the Great One.
Three aspects of God: Brahma,Vishnu, Mahesh (Shiva).
That is Wahe Guru
Music by Amrit Kirtan, Translation from 4. Ray Man Shabd - Snatam Kaur, words by Guru Gobindh Singh (10th of the Sikh Gurus)

Ray man eh bidh jog kamaa-o
Oh my mind, practice Yoga in this way:
Singee saach akapat kanthalaa
Let Truth be your horn, sincerity your necklace,
Dhi-aan Bibhoot charaa-o
and meditation the ashes you apply on your body.
Taatee geho aatam bas kar kee
Catch your burning soul (self) and stop the flames.
Bhicchhaa naam adhaarang
Let the soul (self) be the alms bowl in which you collect the sweet Naam and this will be the only support you will ever need.
Baajay param taar tat har ko
The Universe plays its divine music. The sound of reality is shrill, but this is where God is.
Upajai raag rasaarang
When you listen to the reality from this place of awareness the sweet essence of Raag arises.
Ughatai taan tarang rang
Waves of melodies, emotions, and passions arise and flow through you.
Gi-aan geet bandhaanang
Bind yourself with the song of God.
Chak chak rehay dayv daanav mun
The Universe spins like a potters wheel and from it fly demons and angels.
Chhak chhak bayom bivaanang
The sage listens to this and instead of getting caught in either one, the sage drinks the nectar of the heavens and is carried to the heavens in a divine chariot.
Aatam upadays bhays sanjam ko
Instruct and clothe yourself with self control. Meditate unto infinity
Jaap so ajapaa jaapai
until you are meditating without meditating.
Sadaa rehai kanchan see kaayaa
In this way, your body shall remain forever golden,
Kaal na kabahoo bayaapai
and death shall never approach you.
Music by Snatam Kaur,
5. Adi Shakti - Guruganesha Singh&Snatam Kaur 
The First Shakti Mantra tunes into the frequency of the Divine Mother, and to primal protective, generating energy. Chanting it eliminates fears and fulfils desires. Adi Shakti means the "Primal Power," Sarab Shakti means "All Power", and Pritam Bhagawati means "which creates through God."
Adi Shakti Adi Shakti Adi Shakti Namo Namo
Sarab Shakti Sarab Shakti Sarab Shakti Namo Namo
Pritam Bhagawati Pritam Bhagawati Pritam Bhagawati Namo Namo
Kundalini Mata Shakti Mata Shakti Namo Namo
I bow to the original energy of the Universe
I bow to that energy of the Universe which surrounds all things
I bow to the primal energy
I bow to the mother energy, the kundalini energy rising
Music by Guruganesha Singh and Snatam Kaur,
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I love your page and the music you post!
on that note.. have a good week and welcome to our group.. Love and Light, Leslye :)
I like you page. It is very beautiful to be here.
love Sabine
Regarding your question to me:
We, all of us, are innately Shamanic. One need not be Shaman to engage Shamanic practices. One does not need ot have studied under a teacher to experience life. If, however, you are wanting to climb a glacier covered mountain, I do not think the mere reading of books is sufficient preparation to successfully and safely go forth. The wise course is to receive hands-on direction, receiving the value and insight of those tidbits that never make it into books, that come only through direct experience. Taking the time then to do some climbs under the guidance, and tied to the belaying rope, of the instructor, goes a long way to assuring one of an enjoyable and fulfilling experience when then you do choose to go on your own.
One of my friends invited me to join this site, and when I was checking it out I noticed your music postings and recognised them. Thanks for posting them; it's great to have them playing in the background.
All the best,
Paul (Siri Daya Singh)
Jade is the man to ask about the entity removal.