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  • toniecw
  • Peter C. Rogers, D.D., Ph.D.
  • Joseph Cosgrove
  • Solana
  • Whitefeather
  • L Condor
  • Robert Dakota

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About Me:
Lover of nature, peace, tranquility. Owner of 3 1/2 acres of natural habitat. Traveling the world is a goal. Have lived in Spain and traveled thru Europe and once lived in Japan. People are the same throughout the world...only concepts are different. Humanity is One. We are all related. My wish is for true peace on earth, communication with every nation and spiritual advancement for all of us.
MySpace: Patty/Peacemaker

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At 12:04pm on July 28, 2009, Whitefeather said…
Well, there a story !! i have been told for many years by numerous psychic's, mediums etc., that i was a channeller, "me ? no way " Then about 4/5 years ago i was having a day off at a friends house, hubby was helping her with some decorating and i was sitting in the garden reading a book when the lady gardener arrived. She commented 'was i the lady that did spiritual stuff' with a silent groan ( i was off duty !!!) i admitted i was and she proceeded to ask a few simple questions about people in spirit. She asked if i channelled spirit and i said no, I suddenly had an awful pain in my chest, i could'nt breath and was coughing and splutting, my friend came running with a glass of water, i said thanks and apologised for my coughing fit, the woman was in tears, she threw her arms around me, thanks me profusely and left saying she could'nt wait to tell so and so. My friend was as white as a sheet i asked if she was ok and she she said ARE YOU ??? She went on to explain that nearly 40 minutes had elapsed since i first had the pain, i had spoken in a young womans voice and explained about my(her) death being an accident, she had'nt meant for it to happen and told them things that the coroner had only released earlier that day !!! I had trance channelled a young sixteen year old girl who had committed suicide two weeks earlier. I was naturally shaken as i had no recollection of this event and it was a sizable chunk of my time that was missing. So a few weeks later i visited a well known trance medium and she welcomed me in by saying "oh yes i recognize your colours, normally i would say dont channel without a strong guide in spirit and a guardian in this world, but you have such strong guides you'll be fine " - thanks !! It all went quite for a while, then during workshops and things that i run, people started to say i was shapeshifting, taking on the persona and looks of others, some were just tribal people, others they recognised as family members. Then gradually i began to get ascended masters, firstly people relatively unknown, yet when researched you could find their documented history, then around 2/3 years ago Merlin arrived on the scene and has been giving me messages ever since. i work mostly through writing, i will feel his presence as a tingling up and down my spine, sometimes he just chats to me, but when he has something to say that he wishes me to share with others, it is always through pen and paper. Again i often loose and hour or two of my time, and often i have a job to decipher my own writing - or his as the case may be.
But his messages have always been so down to Earth, so relevant to people lives and so easy to understand. Often you read channellings and they go over your head and cannot be grasped by the majority of people, but Merlin's words are nearly always easily read and understood.
Many Blessings to you, Whitefeather xxx
At 5:30am on July 28, 2009, Whitefeather said…
Hi Patty Peacemaker, good to meet you many blessings whitefeather xxx

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