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Peter C. Rogers, D.D., Ph.D.
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Genetic Truth
1 Reply

Started this discussion. Last reply by Stacey May 16, 2011.

Spiritual Principles

Started Feb 25, 2011

Divine Source

Started May 26, 2010

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Profile Information

About Me:
Dr. Peter C. Rogers is a light-worker, metaphysician and certified practitioner under The Universal Church of
Metaphysics. He and his wife, Elsa, founded the non-profit organization, P.E.L.S.A, which assists recovering persons
with support services. He received a doctorate of divinity as well as a doctorate of philosophy in metaphysical
studies from The University of Metaphysical Sciences. He currently resides in Long Beach, Calif., where he is
an inspirational speaker and mentors individuals on their spiritual journey. For more information, please visit:

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Peter C. Rogers, D.D., Ph.D.'s Blog


Discipline #9


Blind Evidence Lives In Every Faith


~ “Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in…


Posted on April 15, 2012 at 4:51pm

Spirit Light Body

As spirit beings, we are not mere flesh and blood but rather complex systems of light, energy and information which surrounds our physical body. The word “Merkaba” is an Egyptian term that means Mer = Light, Ka = Spirit, Ba = Body. Esoterically speaking, Mer refers to a specific kind of light which was known during Egyptian times shortly after the reorganization from many gods toward the worship of the one God of all creation. It…


Posted on August 31, 2011 at 6:27pm

Genetic Truth

Truth is encoded in our genetic make-up. It is a part of us. That thing that happens to us whenever we hear something that resonates in our being is truth. That feeling we get when someone is trying to convince us of something we know to be false, is truth. Whenever we feel as if we are betraying our very nature simply by accepting a doctrine or a belief incredulously, that’s truth resisting deceit. Imagine this; our whole entire being is founded on truth and truth alone. It’s woven into the…


Posted on May 10, 2011 at 6:05pm

Spiritual Principles

By raising our awareness to that of Spiritual Principles, we are actually inviting more of the same into our awareness. Since energy generates more energy, we attract that in which we are or should I say, "Like attracts Like."

As we become more aware of these principles and how they affect our lives and the people around us, we become more willing to practice this way of living. We become one with the Universe and ultimately our existence begins to change into a more harmonious… Continue

Posted on February 25, 2011 at 7:28pm

Cosmic Mind

Cosmic Mind is the unadulterated Mind of God. In Theosophy, it is the sum total of all Divine and spiritual intelligences. It is the essence from which all things manifests. Hence, nothing can exist without being an aspect of this consciousness. In his writing on “Cosmic Mind in the Microcosm” Rudi Jansma says; “In the creation story of the Vishnu Purana,… Continue

Posted on August 2, 2010 at 12:30pm

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At 7:40pm on September 22, 2009, toniecw said…
Think of it like this Doc. I start a face book account, I have no idea why, three weeks later it starts going crazy and soon I have over 1,000 friends and the Indigoes of all ages are going wild about the site and all the wonderful things that others have helped me place for this group of persons 8-50 age wise...and the kids are a asking me to allow their friends as well to join and then Adam Kadon starts a sort of writing thing on me, Rainbow Warrior Woman...and before you know it, I have lost control of the site, actually thrown off of it and now I can change the password for the God I don't know how many times and get back on it, yet again the trojans and stuff will get back into this computer and take it over as well...what do I want? A site off of Face Book, with all the information and stuff available on the site...who has the control of my site and computer? I don't know and that is why I have contacted Face Book and the FBI to look into it...
I don't know if the death threat is real, all I know is that it is a felony to state something as such and by all appearances and such, such as information about certain things around my place, it sure does seem like a lot is known about certain things...
What else is interesting is that so much of what was written by Adam Kadon, Rainbow Warrior Woman, is quite similar to the things that occurred to was it a dance between Light and Darkness such as what is stated in our Bible...or just kids a playing around?
Thanks for allowing me to throw this out to you....this has caused me lots of suffering and stress....yet in The Bible it does state that in "end times, good will be called bad and bad called good." So perhaps this is just another test ago round thing...blessings, and namaste....
At 5:23pm on September 22, 2009, toniecw said…
Hey Doc:
Did you catch my message to Nina? I had been gone for a while due to being thrown off of Face Book by hackers into my computer and now that I have come back here, I find that all that I left is no longer...strange world has become my world since special kids on Face Book discovered that I am their Rainbow Warrior Woman as legioned by the Hopii Legend...ahhh, the crazy world that I live in...peace and blessings...Tonie No music, no correspondences to you all here on my site, almost like I no longer exsisted and interestingly, perhaps the death threat on Face Book, was real...being this isn't the same site I left...check your mail box...and check mine...mine is almost completely empty and no music is posted there and I had quite a lot of music...blessings and namaste Tonie

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