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celeste sanchez
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  • Dora Dias
  • Collette
  • Aida Labajos
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  • Cole Hons
  • Tina Trev
  • Marce
  • Natalia Muñoz
  • Ann Settino
  • Sabine
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  • Nyako Nakar
  • Solana
  • Zully Brito

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About Me:
cuban new yorker
on a journey to remember, contribute, love, honor and celebrate

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At 4:10am on December 31, 2009, Nyako Nakar said…
Hola Cariño, que tengas muy buen año 2010, le quería escribir a Miriam, para ver como está, sentí algo...tu lo tienes?...LOve NN
At 12:55am on August 30, 2009, Nyako Nakar said…
Gracias Celeste, que son esos estudios??. Sabes, yo sueño desde chiquito que algún día viviré en New York, muchas veces cuando estoy triste se me aparece la ciudad y me acuna y me llena de energía, siento que es un lugar muy especial. Ya veremos donde me lleva la vida, pero es como si de anciano yo viviendo en NY me traigo energía a el ahora...que complicado...LOve NN
At 10:08pm on August 26, 2009, Nyako Nakar said…
Hola Celeste, se te hecho de menos. Yo si que cumplí mi misión personal, del encuentro con mi alma y de una sanación que tenía pendiente desde mi infancia. Conocí gente maravillosa y ha sido una experiencia llena de amor incondicional y a veces dificil, por la cantidad de personas que eramos en un lugar pequeño.
Drunvalo estaba muy despistado en si mismo, quise ayudarlo pero no encontré el espacio mas que en mis oraciones. La vida es así a veces, creo que su fama lo tiene agobiado. Pero es un ser muy especial.
Lo de los extraterrestres para mi es folklore...como estás mi niña?...LOve NN
At 11:02am on August 10, 2009, Robert Dakota said…
Gracias Celeste for the Kudos!
My grandfather passed in June, it was a bigger emotional hit than I anticipated, but these things are not meant to be anticipated are they.

Lots of Love
At 7:01pm on June 19, 2009, celeste sanchez said…
Hey beautiful Sister,

I am better now, I lost my grandma and was dealing with family drama, work was crazed but things are settleing down....Miss you mucho mucho --lets catch up soon!!
love and light darling!
At 8:30pm on June 17, 2009, Collette said…
I hope you are in a beautiful space right now: physically, mentally, spiritually... I have exciting news! I cant wait to see you.
At 7:34am on June 12, 2009, Zully Brito said…
At 12:44pm on June 1, 2009, Renate said…
Hallo dear Celeste,
will be wonderful to see you again. ESpecially for you I will add a photo with your cap in the gallery. Love and light Renate
At 11:58pm on May 25, 2009, J. Nakagawa said…
Hola Celeste, what I would give to be standing cheek to cheek next to your always smiling face. When I feel the softness of your cheek it softens all of me, including my heart! You have an exceptional gift of translation. Hope all is well. Love John
At 10:01am on May 20, 2009, Leslye JacobsLeslye Jacobs said…
Celeste!!!!! Thanks for touching base with me - my beautiful Hopi Sister!
Would love to go to New Zealand with you and the gang - but not sure about funds/availability with the book.. but I never say never! if funds are miraculously made available - you never know..???
I also heard from my precious Lakota sister Stephanie - she spoke on the last day. She was there with her beautiful three children and her daughter Stella had a rose on her shirt on the 27th - just like my Lakota grandmother- Rose - We were definitely meant to connect and have strong lakota ties together.. She told me several people from Sedona are heading to the rainbow gathering in New Mexico (she's on her way there!) and promises that there will be some Indigenous Nakota ponies. Sounds like a fun event but still playing catch up from ROTA.. Well its good hearing from you.. and its great that the guys created this for us to stay in contact... speak to you and light, Your sister - Leslye :)

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