World Viewz

The Universe has been whispering in my ear about a big shift of what "power" means for our family. If we're moving out of the paradigm of "power over," what are we moving into? I'm excited to hear any thoughts, feelings, and gifts from your sacred journeys.
Thanks for doing the Work-
Love. Light. Liberty. - Adam

P.S. "Yes We Can"- (that's so wonderful!)

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My power position is me being ME to the MAX. No longer tryyyyyyyyyiiiiiinnnnnnnngggg to fit into some "box" or other. I am choosing to spend more and more of my days and nights doing what shows up in front of me as something that I want to do NOW. Whether that be reading a story to one of my children or sharing some other "one-of-a-kind moment" with them or with some other creature on this earth or just staring out the window at the trees … I feel so blessed to have a warm, comfy home filled with resources gathered over a lifetime, waiting for this time to come when I would get in the flow and create LOVE as often as I can … I'm remembering.
In a Shamanic context 'Power' is Life-Force in a highly charged state. So, to step into one's power is to engage life in its intensity. Living life in its fullest expression, joyfully and grounded, capable and willing.
Power within.
Power from within.
Individual power that lends to the power of community.
Aspiring to contribute to that which is greater than "I", greater than "one".
It is collective, it is collectively inspired, it is wisdom in its highest form.
It is the power to cultivate the essence (the power) of each individual in order to cultivate the power of the whole. (Am I repeating myself yet??)

I love you, Adam.
Darwin said survival of the fittest, most powerful and capable. Aren’t the fittest those who know how to work together? Power and protection in numbers! A loving team of shared capabilities. Strength thru the heartfelt art of relationship skills, with daily solution oriented "practice makes perfect".
My power or the power of the Universe - for me is the truth - nothing more, nothing less. Simple truth gives me power and I am powerful when I am truth. :-D
Hi Adam,
Great to hear your words of the paradigm of "power over" moving out! Perhaps we are moving into power for (ourselves and others). Conscious use of power rather than fear based control. Your question reminds me of a dream I had concerning the Planet Pluto (representing power in the zodiac).
The dream concerned Plutonic energy being sent forth to 'the Mother' represented by the Moon.
The message was: "Could it be that the Anima Mundi (the soul of the world) is the 'Great Mother' waiting to be impregnated by the energy of her own creations. We must use our power to send back to her the energy we are given by our planetary placements (energetic sacred patterns of light) in order for the evolution of life to unfold (to be brought out into the light of awareness) in a never ending spiral of unfolding consciousness. Thereby the 'Great Mother', the Anima Mundi continually rebirths in order to know her "I" (thyself). Therefore our power is to be used to "Know thyself" to be true in order to recreate in a never ending upward spiral of conscious awareness. This is to replace the downward spiral of inverted power used to deny ourselves and others of this truth.

Love and gratitude
Thanks for your beautiful response, Shell! I posted this question at the same as a blog about the New Moon in Capricorn 12/27/08- "A Powerful Moon to Plant Seeds of Peace." The posting is mostly about Pluto (making its final shift into Cap, and also being reclassified as a "dwarf planet")- see what you think.
I really like the message from your dream- and your strong relationship with the Anima Mundi. I'm a Cancer, born with the Moon conjunct with Pluto, and your dream is especially relevant at the moment- thanks for sharing!

Peace, Presence, and Power - Adam


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