World Viewz

I am wondering what thoughts some of you have on the use of Ayahuasca in ceremonie. Do you think one can attract entities during ceremonies where a lot of people are purging? Are we always protected during ceremonie by mother ayahuasca spirit, or does the shaman hold that intent that we won't take on other peoples "stuff" I have attended about 15 or so ceremonies myself. I've had some healers who I respect A LOT, tell me they feel I shouldn't go to the ceremonies.

What are you feelings? Do you think it mostly has to do with the shaman's experience?

Thanks, and blessings to you all.


Tags: Ayahuasca, healing, medicine, plant, shaman, shamanic, spiritual

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I have come to the place that the use of Ayahuasca is best done
1) In its natural habitat
2) With the assistance of those tribal Shamans who live in that same natural habitat.

In this way one is with those who know the Spirit of Ayahuasca, and also,more importantly, these people are known by the Spirit of Ayahuasca. To be received into the midst of that enduring relationship carries with it the field of prayers and intent of the generations.

As to whether a person might be affected, or attached to, by something, entity or otherwise, that another is purging is not something I have ever witnessed nor heard of. Think... were that the case, would these highly sensitive people, for whom Ayahausca is an integral part of life, continue engaging the use of it in a group ceremonial context? And, perhaps more to the point, if that were the case would they take the risk of doing so with a bunch of demon possessed foreigners? (insert smiley emoticon here)

You say that 'Healers' have told you to not attend these ceremonials. Are these persons experienced themselves in the Ayahuasca ceremonials? Do they have a particular belief system or world view that would cause them to give that advice to everyone? While you say that you trust these Healers, without further information/background it is hard to say what their come-from is in giving you that advice. I have a plumber that I trust to handle my house's plumbing difficulties. That does not mean, however, that I should listen to the plumber regarding the capabilities of a dowser, or an electrician. Just because one is a healer does not make that person qualified to give advice on ceremonial matters, particularly of the nature of Ayahuasca, and especially if they themselves have no experience of those realms.

Trust the people, trust the experience, trust the Shaman, trust the Spirit.

Jade Wah'oo
My thoughts are to ask a few questions. You've been 15 times. Ask yourself and friends if they believe you are healing and getting healthier. Are you doing your homework? i.e. pre and post diet (also alcohol, prescription drugs, etc.), researching the shamans and their different brews, studying up on the plants in the brew, overall healing plan that this is a part of, etc. Do your healers have to pull a bunch of entities out of you everytime you go? (read ChrisC's entity removal post) Do you have intestinal parasites? (there are other ways to get rid of them, without the vomiting) Are you going just cause Sting went? haha bad joke. Good luck. John

Have those healers said to you WHY you shouldn't attend these ceremonies? Said a different way, were they the same people who were at the ceremonies, or are they simply witnesses to the entities you have attracted along the way? I know from my personal experience (though not with ayahuasca...yet! *lol*), that there are entities that are attracted to my "light" (which always makes me feel like a yellow "bug light"!!)

As an energetic practitioner, I would be mindful of grounding myself first, and you may even want to preface your participation in any ceremony with a statement of protection / intention about receiving only that which is for your highest good, and/or requesting that your wishes be honored with regards to external entities attaching to you. Afterwards, you could thank any entities that came to "assist" you, and gently release them back onto their own paths. It's almost like being a spiritual "tourist" can fully enjoy the experience while on some level being mindful not to be taken advantage of. I wouldn't leave it up to the shamans (aka "tour guides")... I'm sure they have their hands full, energetically, as well.

Well, I only had one experience with ayahuasca. It was in Patagonia, Argentina 2 years ago.
I am still working on it...I believe this is a sacred experience and must be guided by a shaman with whom you
can connect with. We did this with some previous preparation, days of meditations and special diet, no medications, no alcohol. Ayahuasca is a powerful spirit that enters the body and touch the soul, it takes us to wherever we need to go.
Part of our mind doesn't want to go there, it is painful so we resist. But after giving in trusting we are protected the
journey is a healing experience...
If you do this with respect and open heart nothing can go wrong.
I just joined the site and read your question regarding the use of Ayahuasca. It is a little late but you may still be searching for the light on this one. I have experienced the healing from using Ayahuasca. I only have experience with shamans in the jungle of Peru and have traveled there over the last few years taking many people who were either ill with cancer, tumors, depression, grief,...and a host of other issues. I am aware of profound healing from working with the plant medicine/spirit. I met doctors from other countries who take patients there for the healing properties of the plant. Unfortunately, it is illegal here unless you belong to a church that has it approved for ceremony.From my experience, It must be ingested in sacred ceremony and in the presence of a strong shaman who has a relationship with the spirit. His guidance and your intentions are what set the tone for the healing. If your intent is pure and the spirit is willing to work with you and through the shaman, great healing can happen. I can assure you that you will heal as you need. It may involve days of purging the toxins from your system. I experienced many nights of this at first and it was nothing short of grueling. The shaman exorcised an entity as well. We can pick things up as we go through life. They are released from the body but I have never heard of one jumping into someone else. The shaman will protect the area and many other spirits will do the same which he calls in during the ceremony. There are safeguards set up for your protection. It is important to not venture far from the circle during ceremony. The most important thing to remember is this is a powerful way to heal and not to be used without an expert for support and guidance.
Blessings, Nancy
One word....Surrender. We attract the vibration of what we are giving. She is the greatest teacher and I say go back in and keep exploring your questions. Surrender to the love that you are. The great teacher must be fasilatated by one who has embodied this mediicine. They are masters and only the best for healing. Songs heal...respect is demanded and containment is essential. Single ongoing ceremonies here in the states by these masters is good but only if the work is established by going to the domain of Her exisitance. 12 days in the jungle will not make you an expert on this medicine but it will certainly align you with what you need...humility, open heart and complete surrender to your life and the illusion within. much love, james
Hi Adam,

I would just like to share an experience I had when I traveled to the Amazon Jungle 10 years or so ago. I went with the intention that I wanted to try Ayahauasca. I figured I'm not traveling all this way into the jungle without trying this ceremony. But when I arrived there with the group I was traveling with I was told very clearly in a channeled message of the Higher Consciousness and Ascended Masters that "I didn't need to do the Ayahuasca and that it would mess up my balance if I did." In the 1970's I had already done a physical purging and changed my diet. In the 1980's I did 7 years of intense emotional purging and by the 1990's I was seeing brilliant white light in my third eye. So, therefore I heeded the message that I did not myself need to ingest the Ayahuasca. I did act as an assistant to others who did. During one evening I was sitting with my eyes closed while others were on the Ayahuasca journey. I saw one of the younge men on the trip with us in my vision in my third eye. He was climbing over large vines of Ayahuasca. He was so much smaller than the vines. We were shown the vine the day before and how it is made. I didn't even understand the vision at first, but then later realized the message of the vision was that the young man was actually giving his spiritual power away to the vine because it was larger than he was. I learned from him that he was very focussed on taking other hallucinagenics and drugs. So, my only offering would be to remember that all spiritual tools whether they be of the plant kingdom or mineral kingdom do not have more power than our very own consciousness and that as we claim and attain more of our spiritual mastery that we need to rely less and less on the tools of the plant, mineral and animal kingdoms as we awaken to realize we are not separate from these kingdoms but all are contained within the unity of our Higher Consciousness. But along our path of mastery they afford us tools of integration to awaken to each level of those kingdoms. So no matter what tool one is using....if we strive for spiritual entity can have power over our consciousness.

Namaste and many blessings,

Sharon Shane


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