World Viewz

Paimarire..Good Peace to all our beautiful universal whanau 'family'!

At this Dawning of the Age of the Matriarchs; our hearts and souls impress upon us, the inner searching for ways to assist our Ancient Matriarch...'Grand Mother Earth'...Papatuanuku, in Her transformation time; wherein She too is returning to 'the world of wonderment!
Wherein is also our understanding that "it is Inside Job"...within ourselves as we return to our Divinty as well! 'As below', which therefore this leads to a Karanga...'callling' to our Universal whanau!
Upon our beautiful part of Papatuanuku.. "Whai Repo"(North Is)& "Aotearoa"(South Is)(colonial named New Zealand); we are so blessed with the Dawning of each wonderful new day! Therefore we are honoured to karanga..welcome the "Dawning of the Matriarchs"!
We know this beautiful 'energy of the Matriarchs' is the welcomed healing, caring and sharing energy that has been long missing from amongst our Universal whanau and it is with such reveered endearment that we welcome and honour our Matriarchs at this time! Yes,, Our Patriarchs have done their best, for the world; so,,,just as the 'mother is the heart of the home',, so too is the 'matriarch'(grand mother) the heart of the world!
How can we all help,,,honour and assist our grand mother's worldwide,,starting in each of our homelands to begin unfolding their graceful reign of peace and love?
We have started here, by planning a "Peace Concert"...due in several months, wherein already, Musicians/Artists have gifted their talents; and funds raised will go to our Grandmothers council! Also in October we will be hosting Grandmothers from All Nations!
It is the time of the Dawning of the Matriarchs, so nau mai haere mai...we welcome ideas, that will help us BE Come ...."Like it was in the Beginning...One Heart..One Love...Lets Get Together and Feel All Right! Paimarire my Whanau.. Arohanui Kereru

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Thank you so much Kereru,
I remember my whanau whaitaha so much, so deep in my heart. May I translate something for you in Spanish and help you to spreed it in this lovely language.
Aroha tino nui
Mayte 8
Paimarire Dear Sister Mayte, Wonderful to link in to our ever so enormous Waitaha Whanau! I wud love for you to translate somethin for me in Spanish and I know your spirit will tell you...what is needed especially at this wonderful Aquarian Energy of Harmony&Understanding! I come up to the library to go online and am so thankful for this blessing of linkin in to our Soul Tribe! Arohanui dear and Paimarire! Good Peace
Kia Ora beloved sister,
I am in Madrid for a couple of days, then I will back to Soria, so you can send me an e-mail to, because it is easy for me this way. I do not enter this forum since a few days ago, and I have to use it.
Aio, aroha
Mayte 8


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