World Viewz

Dear friends,
I have no job, no incoming... And I know I am not the only one, most in Spain. I think my financial situation was getting worse since a long time ago. Fortunately I have a place to stay, and food but I don´t understand how I did create this situation.
I do my Merkaba meditation dayly and I do inner work to heal myself. I think I have a good conexion with Spirit, Nature... What is the point of this situation I am not getting?
I am gifted with so many talents and I am able to do a lot of things. My heart desire is to share with ancient people and translate their wisdom for people who speak Spanish, but I don´t find the way.
At the beginning I was so afraid because not having incomings, then so sad. Later I thought: "Well, ok here is something to learn", and I tried to see the different perspectives. Now, I don´t know. I am stuck and I don´t know what to do.
I want to co-create from my heart, because this way I create Unity. I want to co-create abundance, joy, peace from my heart.
So, from my level of unconditional love (or higher) I ask for your help in the same way.
Thank you
Mayte 8.

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Beloved Mayte, I know your beautiful soul and I do not know "why" you created your situation. What I know is that the lack of money is a typical situation of many of my spiritual friends and I myself realise that attrackting money needs a certain amount of focus to money, and for some reason I have emotions that block loving or honouring money. I am on the way to get a more neutral relation to money allthough I wittness so many situations in the world that show how people give money a value and an use that is against our oneness. And I will do my best to find translation work for you.
Love and light my dear sister, Renate
Dearest Renate, maybe "why" it is not so important, perhaps the point is what this situation has for me to learn about. I think that the flow of money in my life is related with the flow of Spirit. A sort of to be afraid of my own ability to manage it (as a symbol of my own power)... And sometimes it is about trust, just flow with Spirit knowing that Spirit (Mother Earth and Father Sky as well) always support me. So everything is perfect though I don´t see the whole picture.
It is just I want to be generous with myself, and allow me enjoing with money enough to not be worried. Just to have the money to spend without so much care.
Thank you, dear one.
Aroha nui
Mayte 8


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