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Thomas Putman
  • Male
  • Sedona Arizona
  • United States
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~ Spiritman 33 ~

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About Me:
Hi Everyone

I am a very old Soul that just recently moved to the Sedona area from Beautiful MT Shasta, CA.

Here is my Command Reading that will tell a little bit about me and my Souls Journey so far.



Soul Name: Jah-nah'ri
"One who is prepared to battle for the Light"

Origins: Arcturian in alliance with Angelic/Pleiadians

This one is known as a soul-personality 'merger'. Many soul fragments have incorporated within the current physical embodiment which have been integrated from the total lifestream.

Although beginning its journey in the Arcturial realms, this one has trained at the feet of many of the Master Teachers, and in a multitude of star systems. The primary goal has always been to be of service to the One, however, much energy was 'scattered' during past times due to a lack of focus.

This one is a healer, which is inherent in his origins, and he has spent eons in studying various modalities of this ability. After many incarnations, both physical and non-physical, throughout the various galaxies and universes, this one felt drawn to continue his course of study under the tutelage of the Angelic Kingdom of the Pleiades. He has met with much success in service to the Divine Creator through the healing of many races.

After eons of forays into various universes and galaxies, this one heard the 'Call' for the healing of planet Earth. Using the Wisdom he inherited when born out of the Melchizedek Consciousness, he volunteered for a mission of aiding Gaia in her quest for a higher vibrational frequency. This one has left his Homeworlds to incarnate on this planet 3471 times. In some instances, this was not a physical embodiment, but rather providing a consciousness of healing energy within the Earth Herself. Much time has been spent working directly within the Heart of the planet in order to impart encouragement and self-healing techniques to Her.

During this present physical embodiment, he has re-integrated many of the soul fragments from those Higher Dimensional Beings which have taught, guided, and aided him in his service to this planet.

Levels: During this long lifestream, the soul entity has taken the Wisdom he brought from the Melchizedek Consciousness and applied it in his upward evolutionary process. He has consistently raised himself to the heights of the great Master Teachers and Divine Messengers in whose guidance he has rested.

Some of the Higher Aspects of himself which he brought with him on his mission to Earth includes Melchizedek, Metatron and the Christ-Consciousness. His physical embodiments on earth, however, provided unique opportunities for even further soul growth.

Because the lifestream of this one needed to incorporate within it more of the knowledge of ‘Self’, many lifetimes were spent in incarnations calling for introspection. These included embodiments of monks, hermits, outcasts, and years spent in incarceration. As an act of humility, this one contracted with Source as a soul-transfer with one having what is known as leprosy, in order to balance the ego. This balancing of the ego, in partnership with the Knowledge and Wisdom of his Higher Aspects, successfully brought the soul-personality to a stage of Enlightenment under the tutelage of the Master Teacher Buddha.

Mission: The 'download' of information that this one has, and will, receive will be his greatest source of guidance to fulfill his Terms of Service for this embodiment. His intent has been stated, and the mission for which he has prepared so long, is at hand. He has volunteered, as his primary focus, to join with others of his Soul Group and bring the planet Earth into her fifth dimensional body. This primary responsibility/focus will be working with the cleansing and healing of Gaia's emotional body. This may take the form of transmuting the energies of storms, earthchanges, etc., as She goes through her releasing process. The experience he gained in aiding other planets will aid him in this mission. His connection to the Earth Mother is strong, and if he focuses the 'totality' of the Christed energies within him on this mission, he will easily help bring about the cleansing of the planet. These energies are already within him, and need only be integrated into his consciousness, for these are the Higher Aspects of his own Ascended Master Self: Father Melchizedek, Archangel Metatron, the Christ-Consciousness, and the Master Buddha.

Although this one may feel (after the integration of these Higher Aspects of himself) that he is no longer the same soul who has been inhabiting the body during this lifetime, it will not be a situation of what is termed a 'walk-in' or 'soul-exchange'. There will most certainly be the emergence of a 'new' soul, but it shall be born out of the merging of his Higher Aspects.

By incorporating the Higher Qualities and Aspects of each of these into his own soul-personality, he will truly become the Being of Light of which he is. And so be it.

Humbly Scribed
From the Records of Athena
By Janisel Amen-Ra Kumara


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Thomas Putman's Blog

Great 6 Day trip to EGYPT ~ Very Affordable Price !

HOLY TRIP TO EGYPT-6 days initiation trip - 1 day : - Arrive at Cairo-visiting the Cairo Egyptien museum

The museum's ground floor follows the history of ancient Egypt. Upon entering through the security check in the building, one looks toward the atrium and the rear of the building with many items on view - from sarcophagi and boats to enormous statues. Just in front of these you will find an Object of… Continue

Posted on June 16, 2010 at 2:57am

~~ Who is this man ?? ~~ ~~ Come seek out the Mysteries of Egypt ~~

Who is this man ??

Saleh Shaalan is Egyptian born at the temple of Karnak in 1943. He grew up within the walls of Karnak for 11 more years before his village was thrown out of the temple by the government in 1953 for the beginning of excavation of the temple. He and his family have worked very hard over the years. Then he decided to follow his dream. While working at the Parliment in Luxor he paid his… Continue

Posted on November 22, 2009 at 5:44pm

The very real and critical threat of having mandatory vaccinations imposed on the citizens of earth by those forces with a dark agenda.

“When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me, speaking words of Wisdom………….” Hello Beloved Aurora Eagles Worldwide, Most of you will remember the words of that beautiful Beatles song from awhile ago. To those of you who were on the Conference Call last Monday, this message will make more sense than to those of you who couldn’t make the call. However, I promise to tie all the pieces together over the next day or so. On Monday… Continue

Posted on September 24, 2009 at 11:39pm

MAY IS A VERY POWERFUL MONTH by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles


by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

The month of May is always a very powerful time of year. With all of the challenges that are going on in people's lives at this time, we have a real opportunity to help clear the surfacing negativity. We can do this by joining our hearts and our intentions together and utilizing the greatly expanded influx of Light that is pouring into the planet this month.

May is considered a… Continue

Posted on May 5, 2009 at 8:45pm — 2 Comments

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At 7:29am on May 18, 2009, Mihaela David said…
Hi Thomas,

Do you know my friend Eric Berglung?


At 12:29am on May 15, 2009, Mihaela David said…
Dear Thomas,

You are a very fortunate person living near such wonderful, the mountain is not Sashta, is Fidji, in Japan's on my dream list!

At 8:44am on April 28, 2009, grace said…
hi nice to see you here
At 9:22pm on March 15, 2009, ramsiel said…

At 6:25am on March 14, 2009, ramsiel said…


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