What can heal and help Mother Earth and is of service to the Divine is of interest to me. Healing the environment, self healing, healing all who want that is part of a life of loving service that speaks to my heart and soul. I am a practitioner and teacher of several energy healing methods including Reiki and Ankh of Isis. Shamanic healing practices and healing over all is of great interest. I was encouraged to come to this site and join it by a friend.
"Your right eye is Maat and your left eye is Maat, your flesh and your limbs are Maat... you are because Maat is." Maat and Her Feather are with us.
Isis Andersen (Wildflower Dawn Morningstar ) asks Tunkashila (Grandfather) to bless the Great Circle of Earth and Sky and all our relations.
Healing and offering the love of Isis and the restoration of Maat... serving Our Lord Osiris Ausar Wsir.
In a dream long ago I was told that I am a mystic dreamer in a coat of many colors and that this is to be my path through the world in this life...living in many worlds at once is my reality..... Shamanic wisdom I find most helpful. So with the ancient Jackal and the Opener of the Ways I walk in life and in dreams. The old religion of Egypt, of Isis and Osiris, and the way of the native americans speak to me most profoundly...but all true paths lead to the Source and to that place of the first time...
Here is an invocation of the First Time in Old Egyptian
kheper-i kheper kheperu kheper-kuy m kheperu n Khepri kheper m sep tepy...
"[when] I became, the becoming became, I have become the becoming [the form] of Khepri who came into being on the First Time...
...when I became, the transformations became, all the metamorphoses coming to pass after I had become."
translated Lucy Lamy, Egyptian Mysteries
I thank EL for putting this image on our Site in a lovely blog. May this flame burn brightly honoring the Great Spirit and Mother Earth, all the Holy Ones and all our relations. Love Peace Joy Life Health Strength.
Some of my favorite lines from the Rubaiyat
AWAKE! for Morning in the Bowl of Night Has flung the Stone that puts the Stars to Flight: And Lo! the Hunter of the East has caught The Sultan's Turret in a Noose of Light.
Dreaming when Dawn's Left Hand was in the Sky I heard a voice within the Tavern cry, "Awake, my Little ones, and fill the Cup Before Life's Liquor in its Cup be dry."
Ah, my Beloved, fill the Cup that clears TO-DAY of past Regrets and future Fears--- To-morrow?---Why, To-morrow I may be Myself with Yesterday's Sev'n Thousand Years.
Iram indeed is gone with all its Rose, And Jamshyd's sev'n-ring'd cup where no one knows; But still the Vine her ancient Ruby yields, and still a Garden by the water blows.
-From the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
"He who knows does not speak. He who speaks does not know. Close the mouth. Shut the door of desire. Blunt the sharpness. Untie the tangles. Soften the light. Become one with the dusty world." ( Lao Tzu, in the sixth century B.C.
"Now there are some things we all know, but we don't take'm out and look at'm very often. We all know that something is eternal. And it ain't houses and it ain't names, and it ain't earth, and it ain't even the stars .... everybody knows in their bones that something is eternal, and that something has to do with human beings. All the greatest people ever lived have been telling us that for 5000 years and yet you'd be surprised how people are always losing hold of it. There's something way down deep that's eternal about every human being.- From "Our Town" by Thornton Wilder
The Cascades (in Washington State) a beautiful mountain range where heaven and earth meet!
Mt. Rainier in the Cascades
Mt. Fury the Cascades in Washington State
om mani padme hum
GW's glitterwolf
this is love
Graywolf's Uncle Buddy Deshaw (His Mother's Brother) in the first three pictures. Note the Turtle Rattle in the Masked image of Buddy. Also note the Tuscaroran Longhouse.
Buddy Deshaw (Medicine Man)
Larry Standing Bear (Graywolf's Brother in law), Willy Red Deer and Moses Little Bear (they are Choctaw Chippewa)
Hello to all... posting this because there are some good ideas one can work with to help the planet over all and especially just now in this country there is so much unhealthy energy floating out there on emotional and thought levels. David Spangler has a clear way of communicating how to create a healthy atmosphere so I wanted to share it with you.
check out Lorian.org
A Call to Action: Fear and Loathing in the World
David Spangler
Butterfly Nation By Cynthia Isis Titania Andersen Butterfly Nation: Woodstock Remembered For Dave Flynn By Isis Andersen August 19, 2008 09:01 PM EDT (Updated: August 23, 2008 01:38 AM EDT) views: 65 | rating: 10/10 (13 votes) | comments: 23 Another Poetic Mission Impossible Challenge from Chana and this one was/is the hardest... a response to… Continue
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Thank you Dearest Isis! Soooo nice to hear from you again! hope all is well with you. Love&Shalom, MeirThank you for the friend request, and the invitation to join shamansdrum.
How lovely to see Mount Rainier on your page!
bright blessings,
Gald to see you here and I feel you will feel right at home with us already. LOL